23-Hospital II

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*oml. I just realized that this chapter never posted and its very vital to the story, it explains everything, so this is supposed to be after the Hospital chapter.. sorry for the inconvenience😂*

"Good morning Miss Aubri" Smiled Maya, the nurse who has been taking care of me for the last 3 days

"Good morning Maya" I smiled
"Where's Justin?" She asked, confused.
"Oh, he went to DQ to get us some food" I smiled
"Well isn't that nice of him" she smirked
"Maya I told you," I smiled "We aren't dating"
"Mhhmmm" she grinned
I shook my head and laughed.
"So hows your head Aubri?" She asked
"Better" I said
"Good" she responded "and your stomach?"
"Meh." I answered "it still hurts, obviously, but its getting better"
"Hmm.. okay." She said, writing something down on her clipboard.

"Hey they didnt have any pepsi left so I just got you a mountain, oh sorry" Justin said, entering the room and then realizing that Maya was here.
"Its fine Justin" Maya laughed "I was just getting ready to change Aubri's bandage"
"Oh" Justin said setting down the food and opening the door to leave.
"Justin,"I said "you don't have to leave"
"Uh, okay" Justin awkwardly came in and sat down.
I pulled up my shirt.
Justin gasped "Aubri, I didn't know it was THAT bad"
I nodded and let Maya take off my bandage.

I looked over at Justin as cringed. My whole stomach was purple and blue, I had a few stitches along my rib from where they did surgery and part of one of my ribs stuck out odly from being broken. I can see why he cringed.

Maya finished wrapping it back up and then left.

Justin came over and handed me my food and drink.

"Aubri why didn't you tell me?" He started "I had not Idea it was that bad"
"Justin I told you, I cant tell you or else you could get hurt." I explained, eating a fry
"I dont care anymore Aubri, just tell me, I want to help you." He said
"Okay" I answered
"But Aubri," he begged "wait what?"
"I said okay." I replied "I'll tell you. So I used to live in Maryland. I moved here about 2 years ago. When I lived in Maryland I had a boyfriend.. his name was Kyle. We dated for a year, he was abusive and possessive. He got jealous for nothing, and then he would take it out on me. He..." I swallowed like this was the hard part "he raped and beat me." Tears built up in my eyes "and now, now he's back, I dont know how he found me, he's the reason I moved. And the other night when yoy dropped me off, I saw his car in my driveway, that's why I got all freaked out. I tried to stay away from yoy guys because I love you. Hes dangerous and I knew he would hurt you if he knew I loved you." I finished, "I'm sorry" I cried.

Justin hugged pulled me close and hugged me tight.

"Aubri it's okay" he said, tears in his eyes "he won't hurt you anymore, I won't let him"

*time skip*

*Justin's POV*
Aubri and I are laying in her hospital bed together, she's sleeping but I can't. I can't stop thinking about Aubri, what happened to her, why she didn't tell me, how he could do that? It makes me sick. Aubri is amazing, wonderful, gorgeous, the greatest girl I know.

I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. This is pissing me off. I can't do anything about it either, I don't know who this guy even is, only thing I can do is keep Aubri safe.

I looked down at Aubri curled up under my arm, her head on my chest, she looked peaceful,  I haven't seen her like this in a while. Im glad she feels safe with me. I would never do anything to hurt her, ever. I will protect her from this asshole, and I will make him pay, if it's the last thing I do.

Aubri started rustling and moved her head up higher on my chest and I rested my chin on her head. I sat there and thought about Aubri, beautiful, sweet Aubri.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now