35-What Now?

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*IM BACK BOIIII or girl😂 & im actually gonna start updating frequently. Thank you all so much for the votes and comments💗*

"So Justin, unfortunately there has been no progress. I know you want to believe that Aubri will regain her memory, and we all do, but it's been a whole month since the accident and nothing has changed, in fact she's regressing. Her current memories are even starting to fade. I'm sorry but we are going to have to release her soon and of course we will continue with therapy and other things to help stimulate her memory, but what's really important is that you don't hold on to the fact that she can't remember the past and just help make her future better." I heard the doctor say from outside the door. The doctor pulled Justin out in the hallway to talk to him. Apparently I've made zero progress, and I still can't remember who Justin is. I mean I have some of the memories we've made since the "accident" but those are mostly just him sitting around with me in my hospital room. He's trying, he really is, and I see that. But I feel bad, he's spending all of his time here with me, hoping for something that will probably never happen. I can't do this anymore. I can't keep him here, tied down to me, a girl who can't even remember him or all that he's done for me.

"Yes, thank you doctor." I heard Justin say as he re entered the room.

"Hey," he said "How ya feelin?"
"Justin." I started, "you have to go,"
"What?" He said, hurt in his voice, "Did I do something wrong?"He asked, his voice cracky.
"Nothing Justin, it's..it's just, you've done so much for me in this past month, and apparently for months before, but I can't even remember that. I don't deserve you Justin. You deserve a girl who can remember how much you do for her, how much you care." I said.
"But Aubri.." he starts, pain visible in his eyes, "I don't care about all that, I, I love you Aubri, I can't leave I need you." He says coming up to the edge of my bed and grabbing my hand.
"Justin, you don't need me." I say, tears spilling out of my eyes.
"Yes Aubri, I do. You're my whole life, my world, the reason that I live!" He says.
"Justin, stop!" I yell, "you can't love me! You can't help me anymore! I feel terrible because I can't love you back! And you know that I may never get my memories back, which means I may never be able to love you as much as you love me, don't you think you deserve someone who can?" I say, my voice laced in sadness.

Justin leaned down and smushed his lips against mine. He reached his hand up to my face and pulled my face closer to his. He slid his arm under my back and helped me lean up, I wrapped my arms around Justin's neck and he lifted me up of off my bed. He set me back down and leaned overtop of me pushing me down, deepening the kiss. I tasted his lips and the salty taste of the mixture of our tears. My mind came back down and I remembered what was happening, I can't do this, I can't do this to Justin. I opened my eyes and started to pull away, my eyes locked with his and I stopped.

I stared into his beautiful green eyes and I got lost in them. Suddenly my mind was flooded with memories, the first time I met Justin and how he comforted me the 1st day he met me. How he tucked me in on the couch when I fell asleep during the movie. How he moved me to his bed and cuddled me when I had a nightmare that night. The way he looked at me like I was still the most beautiful thing in the whole after he found out I was cutting. How he didn't give up when I pushed him away. How he followed me all the way to my house on foot when he knew Kyle would be there, just to save me. How much he cares about me. How much, I love him.

"I remember," I whispered, "I remember!"  I said pulling away and smiling widely.
"What?" Justin said smiling back, his cheeks tear stained and red.
"I remember, everything, all of it! The first day, the rock, the movies, making pancakes together, how much you suck at making pancakes," I giggled, "How you saved me.."
"Aubri!" He yelled, picking me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist, "You remember! You really do! Oh Aubri I love you so much!" He says as tears of why I'm hoping is joy streamed out of his eyes.
"I love you too Justin" I say, grabbing his face and kissing him.

*Yayyy a happy chapter! Finally🙄😂 but now for the bad news. I'm running out of ideas for this book and I think I'm just dragging it on, so I'm thinking about ending this book soon, but don't worry I'm starting another Justin fanfic! Comment what you think, should I keep going? Or start a new one? Of course I'd still finish this book but just how much more should I write?•

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now