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"Ju-justin?" I asked, "that's your name?"
"Yeah, yeah that's my name" he sighed.
"Justin," I started "I'm really sorry about this whole thing, and I'm sorry I can't remember, and I'm sorry that you got hurt for me, and I'm sorry that-" he interrupted me.
"Aubri, don't apologize, it's not your fault, I'm just, just, it's frustrating. I miss you.." he said.
Tears started pouring out of my eyes, "I'm, I'm sorry Justin" I said, " I'm trying, I really I am, I jut can't" I cried.
"I know you are Aubri. And it's not your fault that this happened. It's that asshole Kyle's fault. Oh do I hate that guy. I hope he never wakes up" he started, griffin his teeth and flairing his nostrils, "For what he did to you, he doesn't deserve to live anymore."

Tears started building up in Justin's eyes "I gotta go" he stood up and left the room. I heard him grunt in anger as he walked away.

I feel terrible. This boy risked his life for me, he took a severe beating for me, and I can't even remember him. How can this even happen? How can memories just get taken away from you? How can I not remember a single thing about that boy out there? I apparently loved him, and he loved me enough to almost die saving me. Tears fell out of my eyes and I couldn't help but let out loud cries. This can't be happening.

*Yay I'm back! Sorry it took me so long🙄 but I got a new phone & I'll be writing a lot more actively now!! I hope you enjoy & im sorry for the short chapter💗*

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now