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*I'm sorry I haven't updated on this story very much lately I've had some writers block buttttt I updated! thefrogster sorta inspired the next few events and gave me the idea for the next few chapter a so thank them😂 Anyways here we gooooo. Enjoy!💗*

*Justin's POV*
I sat there watching Aubri while she slept. Not in a creepy way but in a make sure she's safe way. She looks so peaceful and calm when she sleeps, I can't believe she hurt herself again. I love her so much and seeing her like this and knowing she feels that way, it hurts me. I wish she knew how much I really love her.

She started moving and turned around to face me.

"Good morning baby girl" I smiled.
"Good morning babe" she smiled back.
"So uh what do you wanna do today?" I ask.
"Idk I'm kinda hungry." She says sitting up.
"Taco Bell?" I ask excitedly.
"Oh yeah" she says back just as excited as I was.
"Taco Bell I'm coming for you baby" I say in that weird voice and then we both start laughing.

We both stood up and I got dressed in a pair of blue jeans and my black Trap Nation shirt. Aubri threw on a pair of black leggings and my purple Justin Blake shirt, "man she really likes that shirt" I chuckle to myself.

I look at her and smile, "You are so freakin gorgeous."
"Thanks" she smiles and looks down.

"Ready to go?" I ask as she finishes brushing out her hair and sets her brush back into her bag.
"Yep." She said happily "you know I'm about out of clothes, I think I need to stop back at my grandma's house to get some more."
"Okay we can stop there after Taco Bell." I say back.
"Sounds good." She says

I grab my keys and we head out to the car. Aubri sits in the passenger seat and plugs her phone into the aux. The song 'Nicotine' by Panic! At The Diso starts playing. (Btw I'm listening to this rn😂 love this song💗)

"I love this song!" She say as I hear the song start.
"Me too!" I say as I start dancing around in the car.
"Justin this is not a time for Booty Blake" She says as she bursts out in laughter.
I start laughing too "it's always time for Booty Blake"

Just as the song ends we pull up in front of Taco Bell. I get out and then walk around the car to meet Aubri. I grab her hand and we walk in together. We order our usuals and take a seat in a booth near the back.

We ate our food and didn't talk much because well, food. And when we were done we got up we threw away our trash and walked out.

"So to your grandmas house?" I ask
"Yep" she responds
"Okie" I say back.

When we get to her grandmas house I pull up out front and start to unbuckle.

"Uh actually, my grandma doesn't really know about you yet so if you could, just wait out here?" She asks nervously.
"Uh, sure I guess." I say back.

*Aubri's POV*
I get out of Justin's car and head for my grandmas door. I take a deep breath and open the door slowly, scanning carefully to make sure no one, Kyle, was here. I sighed in relief and then shut the door behind me. I turned around and walked upstairs to get some clothes, I walked into my room and opened my dresser. I grabbed a few pairs of jeans, some leggings and a few shirts. I threw them in my bag and then walked out into the hall. " I wonder where Grammie is." I thought to myself. I walked down the hallway to her room.

"Oh my god Grammie!!" I screamed when I saw it. My Grammie was on the floor laying in a pool of blood. I scrambled to grab my phone out of my pocket and dial 911.

-911 call-
Operator- 911 what's your emergency?
Me- Please  you gotta help me! It's my Grammie she's hurt!
O- Where are you at?
M-I'm at 156 Main Street. Please hurry!
-end of call-

"Grammie!" I whined and fell to my knees on the floor next to her. I threw my arms around her and hugged her tightly.
"Aubri" she said in a faint and barely audible voice.
"Grammie?!" I responded
"I'm sorry," she started "I love you"
"I love you too Grammie" I said with tears pouring out of my eyes.
And then her eyes closed and didn't open back up.

*Justin's POV*
I was playing color switch on my phone when I heard police sirens wailing. I turned around and saw them coming here, Aubri! I jumped out of my car and ran to the door but it was locked, it wouldn't open. I threw my body against the door and it burst open.

"Aubri!?" I yelled

I heard her sobbing and I ran up the stairs. I traced the sounds back to her grandmas room. I ran in and saw her grandma on the ground in a pool of blood, Aubri laying over top of her balling her eyes out.

"Aubri what happened?" I said, panic in my voice.
"My Grammie, she, her, she's, her eyes are closed, shes" she stuttered trying to talk.
"Aubri shh," I said,walking up and hugging her.

I heard people coming into the house.

"We're up here!" I yelled down.

A bunch of EMT's burst in.

"Mam, do you know what happened?" One of them said while the rest loaded Aubri's Grammie onto a gurney.

Aubri shook her head no and more tears fell out. I pulled her close and hugged her tightly.

The EMT's loaded her up and started carrying her out.

"Would you like to ride along?" He said to Aubri.
Aubri shook her head yes and followed the man into the ambulance.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now