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I woke up with a pounding in my head. I layed on my bed for about 5 minutes before getting up. I grabbed my phone and saw that I had 7 new texts and 3 missed calls, all from Justin. I started worrying. I read the texts.

J: Hey Aurbi what's up?
J: Aubri?
J: Babygirl you're scarring me..
J: Is something wrong?
J: Did I do something?
J: Please answer me Aubri, I'm worried about you.
J: Aubri...

Tears started welling up in my eyes, I feel terrible for doing this to Justin, he thinks he did something wrong. I listened to the voicemails

"Hey Aubri its Justin, you aren't answering me and im kinda worried.. Please call me back when you get this"

"Aubri? Its me again, im really worried about you, was it because of yesterday? I didn't mean to hurt you.. please call me back"

"Baby, im really scared, you seemed off last night, just please let me know that you are okay.."

I dialed his number and decided to call him back.

The phone rang once and he answered.

J: Aubri?? Im so glad to hear from you, I was so worried, are you okay?
A: Yeah Justin, I'm fine, just tired.
J: That's good. So do you want a ride to school?

I thought and realized that if I went with Justin he would see the marks.

A: Um, I, uh, I kinda wanted to walk to school today..
J: Okay, um.. can I come with?
A: I don't really, I was gonna walk with Sarah.
J: Oh.. Okay..
A: Yeah I'm really sorry Justin..
J: Yeah yeah its good, dont worry about it. So um, I guess I'll see you at school?
A: Uh, yeah
J: Okay, bye
A: Bye

It hurt me to lie to him. I heard the pain in his voice, it hurt him that I didn't want to walk with him. I wish I could tell him the truth..

I stood up and fell back to the floor, doubled over jn pain. I carefully stood back up and walked to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and cringed. It looked pretty bad. But atleast the cut had scabbed over so I can try and cover it up with makeup. I lifted my shirt and looked at where he had kicked me. It was bad. A giant bruise the size of a shoe covered my whole right side of my ribs. No crop tops for me I guess. I grabbed my makeup bag and started applying cover up all over the wound on my head. I finished it off by dabbing some powder over top of it. I took a step back and looked at it. From a distance you couldn't tell it was there, upclose was a little sketchy but I bet it would work. I didnt even bother covering up my ribs. I threw on a longsleeve black shirt and a pair of ripped blue skinnies. I walked downstairs and put on my converse, grabbed my bag and walked out the door. I took a few steps out down the sidewalk and felt a sharp pain in my ribs. I ignored it and kept walking. About 5 steps later I felt it again, stronger this time. I stopped walking and took a breathe. I took another step and fell to the ground in pain. Something was definitely wrong with my ribs. I cant go to the doctors though, they would ask too many questions, I would just have to deal with it. I walked back to my house and grabbed my keys. I limped over to my car and got in. I drove to school and parked in the student parking.  When I walked in I saw Justin. Oh gosh..

"Hey Aubri!" He smiled
"Hi Justin" I did my best to smile back
"What's wrong?" He asked, a confused look on his face.
"Nothing" I smiled "I'm just not feeling too great"
He reached out and hugged me. I cringed in pain but tried to keep it subtle so Justin wouldn't notice.

He pulled away and looked at me confused.

"Okay, I guess im going to homeroom.." he said in a questioning tone.
"Okay, see ya" I responded

I started walking to homeroom and felt the sharp pain again. I can't do this. I walked out of the school and back to my car. And started driving home. I realized that I didn't want to go home. I turned and drove to the park instead. I got out and hobbled to the closest park bench. It was a nice little park, one set of swings, a slide and a teeter totter. The place was surrounded by woods.

I just sat there staring blankly, nothing really going through my mind, just empty blankness.

I turned around and my face was met by a fist and I fell off of the bench and to the ground. I didn't even have to look up to know who it was. I just lay there waiting for the next hit.

"Why aren't you in school bitch?" He asked, kicking me in my bruise.

I whinned and doubled over in pain.

"Oh? Did that hurt you?" He said mocking me "Good!" He said kicking me again.

"So who is your little boyfriend? Huh?" He asked "Bitch I said answer me!" He kicked me again.
"Well, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him, would I?" He grinned evilly, kicking me again.
"He doesn't want you. He just wants your body." He laughed kicking me once again.
"But you're mine. You're my bitch and nobody else's, if you continue with this scumbag, I'll have to break you up on ny own." He grinned. And kicked me in the thigh.

I saw him bend down and pick something up, he came towards me and it went black.

I woke up and it was dark. I slowly rose to my feet and hobbled over to my car. I got in and drove back home. I went straight into my room and tried to sleep.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now