Chapter 02

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After the girls and the boys got dressed up in their locker rooms. Their next class was simply lunch time in the cafeteria. Shadow was still thinking about that new girl again. Why was she so different than any other girl in school? Does she have any powers like the other mobians in school? All these questions were making Shadow's head spin.

Then he saw Nebula sitting by herself having her lunch meal. Why does she like to be alone? Shadow was not really sure as he goes up to her.

"Hi Nebula. Mind if I sit here?" Shadow asked her.

"I don't mind" Nebula shrugs. Shadow placed his food tray on the table and sat in front of her.

"I'm Shadow" Shadow introduced himself to her.

"Nice name on a guy like you" Nebula said, she was not having direct eye contact with him and ate her lunch.

"I got to admit you really owned Scourge today" Shadow said.

"Hmph, that green hedgehog? Yeah, I did. And I don't really like him one bit" Nebula said, pushing the food tray aside.

"He's very annoying to my friends too. But Fiona really is more bad than him" Shadow continued.

"I know, but I only help when it's needed" Nebula said.

"Okay then" Shadow shrugs and continues having his meal.


Nebula was in the school garden and leaned against a rock on a grassy hill. She needed some time to think after learning to know the other students.

"I don't know if I should trust them" she sighs.

"Why not?" Rouge flies in.

Nebula didn't even flinch that she was being watched the whole time in the school garden outside, "Because it's not easy to make friends. And since you never know who you can trust, it's best to never trust anybody" she said.

"Nebula, there's always someone to trust. Trusting no one is a selfish way. Your true friend can you trust. I don't bully anyone" Rouge said.

"That's not the point. And I know you don't bully anyone. Sometimes it's best if I rather be alone" Nebula said, heading back inside the school to get to art class.

She arrived there and saw many finished and unfinished sketches and paintings around the room. Some students were already there. Nebula searches for the art teacher.

"Um, excuse me. Are you Mrs. Msanii?" she asked the female mobian lioness.

"Yes, that's me. Are you new here?" the teacher said with a Swahili accent.

"Yup, my name is Nebula Emerald and it's an honor to be welcomed here in class" Nebula introduced herself to Mrs. Msanii.

"Well class has already started. Since you're new here, you can pair up with anyone in the class" the teacher said.

"How about I pair up with you, doll" Scourge walked up to Nebula in a very rude way.

"Hmph, I don't think so" Nebula gently pushed him away. She looks at the classmates but in the far back she spots Shadow, "Hmm..." she walks up to the back row and sits next to him.

" day I'm gonna make you mine, babe" Scourge growled angrily.

"Ahem, I suggest you get back in your seat, Scourge" Mrs. Msanii said with a glare.

"Fine" Scourge scoffs and walks back to his seat.

Nebula simply brought in her own sketchbook that she likes to draw. Her art style is human anime that she's very good at. Ever since she was in girl education school, her female classmates was not interested in her art stuff and that they made fun of her and accused her that she draws naked people which isn't true. Which is why she got transferred to a new school and promised herself to never trust anyone ever again.

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