Chapter 24

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"Ladies and Gentlemen! Allow us to introduce, DR Nebula!" Fiona said through a megaphone. The stage lights turns to DR Nebula who was shaking the cage violently and roars out. The audience gasps at this and DR Nebula saw them.

"Oh, god! No!" she gasped in horror that she's seen in front of the people in her dark form.


At an apartment, the cyborg lion that Nebula rescued from Storm and Jet has seen her on TV from the circus. He also saw Sonic, Tails, Shadow, Silver and Rouge behind bars.

"I must help them, even if I get my heart destroyed" he said and activates roller-skates on his boots. He skates out from his apartment to the circus.


"AAHH!!!! STOP IT!!!" DR Nebula trying to avoid the people throwing foods and drinks at her.

"Freak!" A human teen shouted and threw a pie at DR Nebula, covering her face in it.

"BLEAH! GAAAH!!!" DR Nebula yelled and stands up, "You call this fun?! I don't think so! Look at yourselves, people! Do you really wanna abuse me like I'm some animal in a cage?!" she screamed.

The audience stops throwing and were confused and defeated.

"I am a normal person like all of you but you all are just acting emotionless towards me. I deserve to be loved and cared of. Love comes from the heart!" DR Nebula yelled and temporarily seems she was cooling down.

"Urgh! This is not working!" Fiona said in anger and clenched her fists.

"We need to make her angrier so she can kill the people" Scourge said.

"Are you insane Scourge? That's a bad idea!" Sally smacks Scourge in the face.


With the gang in cages, they are all worried for their friend Nebula.

"If Nebula does something terrible, I will never forgive myself" Shadow sighs and rubs his eyes. Then they heard a whisper.

"Psst, over here" a voice called for them.

"Lion Dude, is that you?" Tails asked.

"Yes, now be quiet while I get you all out" He whispers and turns his mechanical arm to an override mechanism to disable the energy shield. After a couple of attempts, he finally managed to turn it off.


Knuckles, Amy, Blaze and Cream were on their search through the town when they saw DR Nebula's speech on TV. After listening to it they knew they have to get there.

"I may not be a planner but we have to get there before she goes completely out" Knuckles said.

"Good plan, Knuckles. I bet my Sonikku and the others are there as well, let's go!" Amy said.

"To the circus!" Cream shouted.


"You morons should keep throwing food at this creepy monster! Right now!" Fiona ordered the audience to keep throwing stuff at DR Nebula.

But the audience boos at her now and began throwing at Fiona instead.

"Grrr!! That's it! I'm gonna make you mine, whore!" Scourge unlocks the cage and grabs Nebula.

But DR Nebula hits him hard, knocking out some teeth. He flew back to the ground.

"Scourge! WHY YOU!" Fiona yelled with fury and ran away from the audience to deal with DR Nebula. She grabs a crowbar and whacks DR Nebula hard.

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