Chapter 21

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Nebula was pushed in the room and the guards quickly locked the door before she could get out. Nebula was very pissed off that Fiona set her up.

"Grrrrr!!!!" she transforms into her Dark Rage form again, so angry and outraged that she has to find a way out of this asylum, "YOU IDIOTS!!! I AM NOT INSANE!!! LET ME OUT NOW!!!" she pounds on the door hard but it was very solid and thick, not even her Super Strength can break the door down. She sat down on the floor and groans in frustration.

"Urgh! That Fiona is going too far. Now how is Aunt Star gonna react? This is all my fault to make this happen" DR Nebula said. She was shredding a tear for the first time in her Dark Rage form.


Shadow sat in his room at home still very sad for what happened, "I can't believe this! That fox whore really doesn't know when to quit! She set her up to make Nebula angry!" he snarled angrily.

He turned on the TV to watch the news.

"Breaking news, I'm Dave Johnson. Today at Station Square High school Fiona the Fox and Sally saved it from being destroyed by local student Nebula Emerald. Right now she is at the Asylum until she can come out after a few months" The TV-reporter on the news said. Shadow turned it off and face-palms.

"Now I guess her Aunt is heartbroken for what they did to her niece. I better go talk to her about it" Shadow said.


At Nebula's house, Aunt Star was crying because of Nebula being locked in to the Asylum. Bella was sitting near her and whines.

"Oh Bella. Who could have done this to my niece? I guess when she comes out we better move from Station Square. I better make some tea" she said and walks to the kitchen. Just then she heard a knock on the door.

Bella ran up to the door with Aunt Star following her, she opens the door to see Shadow.

"Hi Star"

"Hi Shadow, come on in. Tea is ready" Aunt Star said. Shadow walked in with her to the kitchen and they sat at the table having tea and crackers.

"Star, I think I know what made Nebula turn Dark Rage in class" Shadow said, clearing his throat.

"Okay, tell me about it" Aunt Star said.

"I suspect that Fiona the Fox did this to accuse her for insanity so she can pretend to help me from Nebula but she didn't. She cheated on me long ago too" Shadow said.

"Oh my god. Anything else?" Aunt Start said.

"Nebula didn't tell you this, but she was not playing basketball with me, she was attacked by Sally and Scourge. But Silver, Sonic and I saved her from them" Shadow continued.

"Shadow, I now understand why Nebula has acted very worried lately and why she didn't tell me. She was worried that I would get to concerned" Aunt Star said.

"Exactly. Now we need to get her out of there. Oh, I forgot to ask Cream and Rouge if they have recorded that Fiona has planned" Shadow said.


3 days have passed and the gang could not find Nebula anywhere in the city. They even didn't go to school for the past 3 days because they don't wanna see Fiona and her pals being popular at ruling the school.

"I could have helped you in calming her down Shadow, if I and the others weren't told to run" Silver said.

"I know Silver, nor would Sonic's dark form help" Shadow said.

"All we got to do is to find the asylum and that's it" Sonic said, crossing his arms.

"But we don't know where it is" Silver said, "Not even my telepathy can reach her" he sighs sadly.

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