Chapter 13

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Last night at the prom dance was so much fun and Nebula really had a great time with her friends and of course her boyfriend Shadow. She looked at the pictures on her iPhone. She had a selfie of her and Shadow at the end of the prom holding each other.

"Oh Shadow, that was the best day of my life" Nebula said to herself.

She puts her iPhone in her backpack and skateboards on the sidewalk to head to High School. All of a sudden, she got sprayed by someone that passed her.

"WHOA!!!" Nebula grunts and lost her balance on the skateboard but she managed to do a forward handspring to prevent her from falling.

"HAHAHA!!!!!" it was Scourge that was skateboarding and he was holding a cologne spray that he used on Nebula a few seconds ago.

"What?" Nebula gasps and sniffs herself that it really did smells like men's cologne, "You have got to be fucking kidding me" she growled.

"HAHAHAHA! See you around Creepy!" Scourge taunts her and skates to school.

Nebula was nearly about to explode in anger but calms herself down, "I'll deal with him later. That was really stupid of him to spray cologne on me"

She continues to skate to High School and saw that she was 5 minutes late, "Oh well. At least my teacher is not upset with me. I really hope" she said and walks to class.

Vanilla saw her get in and glances, "Well, Miss Emerald, you are five minutes late I see" she said.

"Sorry Ms. Vanilla" Nebula said quietly and sat at her desk.

"It's okay Nebula. Now let's get started class, today's lesson is history, about the Roman Empire" Vanilla said, writing up the Roman Empire on the black board. She then wrote up a question.

"What does 'Alea iacta est' mean?" Vanilla asked.

Silver raised his hand to answer the question, "It means 'The die is cast.' It's a Latin phrase attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar" he answered.

"Good. And now class take out your history books and read about him" Vanilla then tell the class to take out their books.

30 minutes later the bell rings and the class heads out the door to get to their next class. Nebula was very pissed at Scourge for spraying cologne on her. And now she has no idea how long the cologne scent on her will last.

She's heading to the Girls' Gym Locker to get changed into her sports outfit, "Great, the girls will know that I smell like a guy" she growled lowly. She goes in and saw the girls getting changed or simply talking to each other.

Blaze then sniffed in the air, "Hey. It smells like a dude is here" she said.

"Hey I smell it too" Cream said.

The girls turned around and saw Nebula coming in and realized that the cologne scent is coming from her.

"Don't ask" Nebula said, grumpily.

"Let me guess, wrong perfume" Rouge said.

"No. Mr. Green Pervert sprayed cologne on me this morning. If he does that again I'm gonna beat him so hard" Nebula said.

"Hahahaha! You got sprayed by Scourge? That's so funny!" Sally laughed. Nebula's left eye twitched; she growled in anger and rushed up to the chipmunk, slamming her against the lockers and clutched her throat.

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