Chapter 20

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The next day was when Fiona's suspension has worn off and that she's back in school. Shadow was not gonna let his Ex harm his real girlfriend. So he has to keep an eye out and to protect Nebula.

Today they had biology class and Nebula sat next with her friend Amy. They were studying about DNA in cloning, like the sheep Dolly who was the most famous clone and the first mammal ever to be cloned from an adult sheep. They read how cloning worked.

"First you take the gene from the mother and then from the other sheep, the father to combine the DNA to the seed cell to conceive it. As a result, the mother gives birth to the clone" Amy reads through the book with Nebula.

"Sounds complicated. Are you sure you are right?" Nebula asked her.

"Not much" Amy replied and keeps reading.

"Usually I know that cloning is illegal" Nebula said.

"Really? I think it's only allowed for scientists" Amy said. They saw a video of how cloning works and even saw the fictional cloning that is inaccurate that just a zap a clone is there.

"So that's fake in Sci-Fi and this cloning we are reading is real" Nebula wondered.

"Yup, but cloning mammoths are going real too, they are now trying on an elephant to be the surrogate mother" Amy said.

"It might work since they are related to elephants" Nebula said.


After biology class is over, they all head to gym class. Nebula was getting suspicious on Fiona and Sally at what they're planning. She just hopes that she can control her dark rage and not cause anything violent in the school.

Today they had soccer and they were gonna play at the field. Nebula was in the girls' locker room after they all have changed to their outfits.

"Nebs, don't worry. We'll make sure that Fiona won't annoy you" Cream said to her.

"I just hope she doesn't have any tricks up her sleeves" Nebula sighs.

"We'll keep an eye on her" Amy said.

They walked out to start the play. The coach came out with a soccer ball and placed it on the floor.

"Alright class, here's the rules, if anyone does something stupid they are out and if you get hit seriously, sit on the bench until you feel good to play again" the coach said.

Nebula sighs but stays strong and tries her best to not turn into her dark rage in front of the class.

The match starts and the students began playing. There were two leagues of the class and the left one has red bands and the other blue bands. Nebula was on the red one.

But Fiona where on the blue team and she has a plan to make Nebula be clumsy. She ran past Nebula in the field and trips her over by hooking her foot. Nebula fell to the ground and Fiona snickered a little and ran after the ball.

"Grrr!!!!" Nebula growled and gets up. But she managed to calm down and continues to play. Shadow was running past the other team and kicks the ball to the blue team's net.

1-0 for the red team and they continue to play after the Coach placed the ball back to let them kick it. Sonic ran past a purple walrus on the blue team but got the ball taken by Jet. The green hawk smirked and closes in to the red team's net, but Tails took the ball and passes it to Knuckles. The echidna kicks it to the blue team's net only to have Sally take it.

But Silver ran to it and takes the ball away from Sally, he ran and keeps the ball at his foot and with a hard one he sends it to the blue team's net. The blue team groans in defeat after the ball was sent there. Silver then jumps in victory and goes to his team.

"All right, Silver!" Blaze cheered for him.

Silver bowed for them and they soon prepare for the next round. Then Fiona got the perfect idea to make Nebula angry again.

"I just kick the ball hard onto her head and she loses it" Fiona thought. The teams got ready and the Coach blew his whistle pipe. The red team was the first to kick the ball and the blue team ran after it.

"Perfect" Fiona smirked evilly and waits for Nebula to get closer to get the ball. She ran up to the ball and kicks it so hard it did hit Nebula in the head.

"Ugh!!" Nebula groaned from the hit and fell on the ground.

"Come on, get mad" Fiona whispered to herself.

Nebula got up both groaning and growling in anger and pain, "Grrrrrr!!!! Who kicked it to me?!" she growled.

Fiona grinned evilly that her plan is working, "Sally, she's getting angry. Bring in the asylum guards to take that bitch" she said through her iPhone.

"With pleasure" Sally smirked.

The Coach and the students were in shock to what's going on.

"Oh no" Shadow ran up to her to calm her down, "Nebula, look at me! Remain calm"

"I......can'!!!!" Nebula's adrenaline was rising up and her eyes glowed purple. She screamed in anger and transforms into her Dark Rage form, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

"Everybody get out!" the Coach shouted. But Shadow stayed to handle the situation on his own.

"Come on Shadow! It's too dangerous!" the Coach called for Shadow.

"I got this! Nebula, this isn't you! Don't let it take over!" Shadow screamed. But DR Nebula was still out of control.

"Don't make me do this!" Shadow said and tackled her down.

"AARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!" DR Nebula kicked him off.

Just then, 5 vans arrived and the guards came out of their rides to stop DR Nebula.

"That's her, boys! That crazy bitch with a mental brain!" Sally points at DR Nebula.

"DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!!!" DR Nebula shouted.

"Don't worry, I got this under control!" Shadow said and takes her down, turning into his hero form. The guards saw this and Shadow holds DR Nebula's arms back and he pressed her to the ground.

"Nebula, be yourself, you are not a monster!" Hero Shadow said and struggles.

"LET ME GO!!!" DR Nebula snarled.

"Get away from her, Shadow! She's a monster!" Fiona grabbed Shadow off of DR Nebula.

"Don't stand there, grab that crazy monster!" Sally ordered the guards to take DR Nebula.

"NO! LET GO OF ME!" DR Nebula struggled and one of the guards sprayed sleeping gas on her.

"NEBULA!!!" Shadow tried to go up to her but was pulled back by Sally and Fiona.

".....Uhhhhh........" DR Nebula faints. She turned back to normal as the guards carry her to the van.

Shadow then glared at Fiona and Sally, "I've noticed that you two are preventing me from calming her down"

"Oh, stop it! She's a monster and you should thank me that I saved your ass!" Fiona glared back.

"Thank you? I have a feeling you made her angry. I know you well Fiona!" Shadow pushes Sally aside and points a finger at Fiona.

"You set it all up, right?!" he grabs her roughly.

"That's right! And I hope that bitch stays away from you for good! I had it with you hanging out with her instead of me!" Fiona yelled.

"You have Scourge to hang out with! You don't tell me what to do, fox! You don't control my life!" Shadow pushed her roughly and goes inside the gymnasium, feeling angry that he has no proof to tell the whole school that Nebula is not a threat or a monster. But he sadly looked over his shoulder when he sees Nebula being taken to the asylum.

"Don't worry Nebula, I will free you somehow without hurting anyone" he said.

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