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I slumped into my chair exhausted from the day's work when Lea my secretary came and announced the arrival of the new clients for the electrical projects.

"They are here Mr. Solade."

"I'll be right there Lea." I smiled and she beamed back before shutting the door behind her.

Being the boss was a lot of work I had to admit but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

After what seemed to be ours of a really  crucial meeting I decided to go home for the day.

My phone went out in my pocket and I removed it, pressed the power button and swiped the screen to unlock it. I smiled at the message I received from my girlfriend on whatsapp.

"BAE: hey sweetie I made dinner wanna come over and talk."

"ME: are you sure you just want to talk or do more."
I replied promptly.

"BAE: weeeell that's left for you to find out [winks]"

"ME: oya Na lets go there. I go show in 30 minutes. Better start stretching before I get there."

"BAE: you are so insane LWKMD! Na I'm always stretched for you."

"ME: You're lucky I'm not there right now ... I dey come... see you."

I met Amaka in the university years back and we've  been dating for two years now. She was a law student and sister to my roommate Chima. When I first saw her, I admitted she was very beautiful but nothing sparked because I was still getting over the Efua issue her being the only girl I saw. There were a lot of things I would've loved to tell Efua but I didn't get the chance to do so. Chima had made me face reality and realize that I may never see her again; even if I did the chances of meeting her single are slim. Amaka and I became close friends and as time went on I started developing some feelings for her but I didn't ask her out until a year ago.
I pulled up at her gate and horned before seeing Musa peep out of the pin hole and disappearing to open the gate. As I parked at an empty space in the spacious compound. Musa ran to me in his oversized jalabia and greeted me in his thick Hausa accent trying to produce a correct sentence but failing miserably at it. I laughed hysterically and shook my head at how foolish he looked, nodded a reply and made my way to the house.
I went in to meet a very romantic atmosphere. The house was dimmed with red and purple lights. The dining table had candles and flowers everywhere. Wines, serviettes and glass cups including dishes containing dinner punctuated the surface of the glass dining table. The mouthwatering scent of fried rice and goat meat pepper soup filled the atmosphere. As I made my way to the dining table a voice came out of the cool music that played which was Adekunle Gold's Orente. I turned to see Amaka sitting seductively on the couch which I had missed earlier. She wore a long silk robe but undone exposing the red bikini she wore underneath it.

"Wouldn't you want to skip to dessert first. " She said smirking.
I grinned devilishly as I walked over to her.
"I don't know would you like that." I said hovering over her.
She stood and I forcefully pulled her to my chest. She gasped and I smirked. I was about to say something but she placed her finger on my lips and rose one of her legs up acrobatically to my upper arm and i put it on my shoulder.
"Shut up and kiss me."
I crashed our lips together and we kissed harshly. This kiss was full of desperation and lust. It was like we had both been staring for days and finally got the opportunity to eat. I quickly trailed down her jawline with my lips and located her sweet spot and made love to it. She moaned and arched her back as I cupped her right breast with my hand tweaking her nipples living hickies allover her neck. She stroked my throbbing member underneath my black slacks concentrating on the head. I grunted and hissed at the wonderful feeling. She later wrapped her legs around my waist and I guided us to her room for the rest of the fun.

Thank you for reading ..I'd like to hear your thoughts . vote and comment.
You can also check my other book Gone witchful...

Ques for the day:
Is tomato a fruit or vegetable?

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