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From the endless chattering coming from outside I could tell that the house was packed with people. I sat down in my room contemplating going out or just sleeping in because I was so exhausted. The preparations for the vow renewal was so hectic ; I think I cooked for million people or even more . I think I also lost a gallon full of tears cause those onions didn't go easy on me.

"Efua darling." Mum called knocking on my door.

I rolled my eyes and went to seat at the dresser.

"Come in mother."

She came in looking as pretty as ever. She wore a green fish gown that carved her eight figure nicely. It was a pretty dress with a lot of sparkles for an old lady. Her black weave was braided and packed into a big bun and adorned with a lot of glitter, ribbons and sparkles.

"Wow you look gorgeous mum ." I said honestly and she giggled.

"I know right Amaka did a great job."
She said checking her self out in the mirror.
I scowled and shook my head at how ridiculous she looked.

"Why aren't you dressed yet honey?"

"But must I come out I mean---"

"Efua I know you don't like your step dad and you aren't comfortable with him around but please do this for me at least. I'm your mother , I carried you in my womb for 9months."

I rolled my eyes and sighed at how cliche she was being and that's when I realized that even though I resented her for not believing me when that pervert sexually assaulted me in my teen days, I still loved her and I couldn't deny it.

"I'll be down in thirty minutes."

"Thank you dear... I love you." She said heading to the door.

"Oh and you better look pretty young lady ...there are a lot of young business executives outside that I'll love you to meet."

I scowled surprised that my Mum was trying to set me up on her event.

She left and I realized that I didn't have anything in mind to wear.
Luckily for me Talia was online and who else would I go to for fashion advice other than the hip accountant in the hospital

ME: tally i kind of need fashion advice

TALIA: pinch me is the o so serious Efua asking me for fashion advice?

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now