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          Alade ran passed Akpan who was watering the rose garden at the farthest corner of the house. Akpan just gave a confused look and shrugged adjusting his chewing stick before going back to his  duty.
Alade burst open the gate glancing round for the mysterious caller or someone at least but the street was empty. The only thing that could be seen were strayed dogs playing buy a nearby gutter and a BMW two houses away.

"Ah what kind of thing is this one again?" The young man thought with his hands on his waist.

A loud horn startled Alade from his thoughts. He looked towards the BMW and saw it approaching him in reverse.
Growing anxious by the second he speed walked towards the car catching up with it in no time.

"Get in." The mysterious lady said sharply.

Without any wastage of time he got into the front seat and they zoomed off.

The lady stared at the road as she drove without even sneaking one or two glances at the other man. One could see that she was determined and meant business.

Alade  on the other hand glanced at her countless times unable to form words.

Something about the lady seemed somewhat familiar but then again he knew a lot of people.

"Where are we going--" he said.

"Were here" the lady interrupted as she pulled up at a strange building.

She quickly grabbed her purse and got out.

She walked ahead of him and the young man couldn't help but stare at the two planets that jingled behind her. He mentally slapped himself for thinking such at a crucial moment like this. For all he knew she could be kidnapping him right now or might be using juju on him and then kidnap him because the way he has been following her patiently was quite weird even for him.

She led him to what seemed to be an office and ushered him in. It was a average size office with a television, a water dispenser and a desk piled up with a lot of paper work.

"Please take a seat." She said as she went to her seat. He sat down dropping the cameras on the table.

" Hello?....Maxwell please come and do something for me in the!...thank you"

She said before dropping the office phone and finally looking at him with a small smile.

"Can I get you anything?"

"No....Can you explain this?" Alade said impatiently.

"I will" the lady said. Typing something into her system.

"But...let's watch first" she said as a tall dark man with shaved head came in.

"Yes madam?"

"Connect the tape player to my TV."

He nodded  and got to work. Alade seemed somewhat anxious but kept his cool.

"Thank you "  she said before he left.

The lady stood up picked the cameras and took out the tapes. She went over and inserted the tape into the player and played it.

"Let's watch...shall we?"

They stared at the television as the activities of the Coker family were in display. The video started with Nene living the Coker residence and continued with dinner in the house with the whole family; Efua and her step dad inclusive. The Lady picked the remote and forwarded the footage until she reached a scene were Efua ran out of a room and went over to the front door to open it but it was locked. Behind her stood her step dad who jingled the keys behind her as she struggled . The chase and shootings were all in display.

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now