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    I sat silently in the disgusting room they called an interrogation room. It was stuffy and wreaked of sewage. I swatted an annoying fly that kept on bothering me a millionth time. Well maybe its because this people wouldn't  allow me I don't know TAKE A DARN SHOWER!
The dried blood on my skin had begin to look like tattoos on my skin and itched like hell.

"Madam for the last time, did you kill Mr Adedayo?!" He said raising his voice slightly. We had been on this for over an hour now and at first I wasn't responding because I was still in shock from what happened but when I realized the implication of the event I came back to reality.

But seriously how stupid could this Nigerian policemen be? You arrested someone with a bloodied knife also covered in blood with two unconscious bodies besides her and you asking whether she killed one of them? Please where are the men with actual brains in their heads.

"Are you really this dumb or just don't know what you are doing" I said calmly for the first time in hours and the inspector shot daggers at me. Some of his colleagues either looked shocked or they snorted silently behind his back.

"What did you just say to me?" He snarled  and I just sighed exasperatingly.

"Because if you knew what you were doing, the question here will be why I did it" i retorted and looked as if he was going to explode.

"That doesn't give you the right insult me you bloody criminal!" He snarled and I cringed at the name he called me. I for one had never been called a criminal and hearing him say that scared me made knots in my stomach.

"Just wait till the hearing and you are sentenced to spend all your years in prison!, I bet you'll meet people that will shut that big mouth of yours". He said chuckling as if noticing the effect of his words on me.
I looked down two my hands and started fumbling with the hem of my shirt speechless.

"So" he said opening both his arms and shrugging a little bit.

"Why did you do it?" He said folding his arms. Everywhere was quiet for some minutes before I sucked in air and scratched my cheek bone.


"Sorry my client won't be saying anything until she has consulted me properly. " A Lady in an elegant suit said barging in and cutting me off. From her appearance one mustn't be smart to know she was a lawyer. 

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now