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Dedicated to fluxy

Efua's  P.O.V

          I parked my S.U.V in the garage and got out of the car tired as hell.

"Welcome Ma." Akpan said bowing slightly.

"Thank you Akpan how are you?"

"Fine ma"

"Good" I said making my way to the front door. At least he had a good day unlike me.

I opened the front door and great my day couldn't get any better I think as the sight my mums husband in some boxer shorts and a tank top greets me.

"God no" I groaned loud enough for him to hear.

"And good evening to you also" he said taking a sip of whatever he was drinking and changing the channel.

"Whatever." I retorted heading upstairs to my room.

I entered and locked the door turning the key twice. I sighed feeling a little safe. That man shouldn't try shit with me cause I'm in a hell of a mood.
It then occurred to me that we where home alone together . Mum is at the shop and Alade traveled yesterday on a business trip.
Well I'm safe in my room as long as I don't come out. I'll just wait and stay hungry till mum gets back.

I peeled off my clothes and went to have a cold bath to wash away all the stress and heat.
I thought about Amaka and the stunts she pulled today. The biatch is going to see the true me.

      After settling on a pair of jean shorts and a camisole, I lay down on my bed to have a quick nap since it was just 4:30pm.

As I drifted into my own land of dreams, I was slightly pulled back a sound coming from the door.
I didn't pay close attention and was unsure so I allowed myself let loose and get lost in the comforting state.

A rough tug on my right breast brought me back to earth. I opened my eyes only to see step dad hovering over me.

I screamed partly because next thing I know he stuffs a handkerchief in my mouth and pins both my arms above my head with one of his arms.

My voice was muffled by the thick piece of cloth in my mouth and he grinned devilishly.

"Mmmmmmm! smell mouth watering." He said sniffing my temple.

I groaned in agony and fought back but it was hopeless. He laughed wickedly and kissed me on the lip briefly and pulled back as if knowing that I might decide to bite off his disgusting tongue.
He sucked on my temples and trailed kisses down to my cleavage as his other hand roamed different areas of my body.

The tears rained down my cheeks as I produced muffled sobs.

"God I've...been longing for this moment." He said in between kisses.

He ripped off my camisole with one arm and made for my bra.

I have to do something , something.

I touched the head board of my bed with my bonded hands and felt something metal.
As I was about picking it he grabbed it.

"Not so fast...stop being a naughty  girl."

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now