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    Its been two days since the incident and also two days in this hell hole. I stink , my hair is a mess I mean my breath can brainwash someone instantly. I ache all over. There's this scary inmate that tried intimidating me the other day with her minions. I was a little scared but kept a poker face and brushed passed her.  She immediately pulled me back but I instantly connected my fist with her nose and kneed her in her stomach. She dropped to the ground groaning
And writhing in pain. Her minions stared at me with wide eyes and I smirked cockily at them before adjusting my top.
Let's just say the next event that took place wasn't too pleasant because I am fanning the bitch right now with bruises all over my body. Oh the irony.

"Faster joor!" The bitch said munching on my plate of beans. My hands were beginning to ache and my stomach was digesting itself. It felt like ages before I was saved by a cell guard who told me I had a visitor. I was taken out and led to the counter revealing Fauzia looking as elegant as ever. She beamed as she spotted me.

"How are you doing Miss Cooker?"  
"What do you think?" I retorted pointing at body. ..
She nodded sympathetically giving me a knowing look.
"You're trial begins next week" she said opening her bag and rummaging through it.
"For real?" I said surprised that my case was picked so soon because I bet there are a million and one cases to be tried.

"Yes apparently the judge found your case quite interesting and decided to attend to it."
"Wow" I said still dazed with a mixture of relief.

"Meaning you have little time to spend in here before you are set free then you can live this hell. She said reassuringly.
My heart clenched a little at that.

"That's the problem I am guilty; but what if the judge sees the case differently.  "

"Ma'am don't you worry I will fight for you till the end. I am a woman also and it breaks my heart to see those pigs called men treat women this way. He must pay " she said sternly and i couldn't help the tears that poured out of my eyes.

"Thank you" I said taking her hands.

"3 minutes more!" One of the officers yelled at us as if we were away from him.

"Its OK just go back in there and be strong. Be the strong woman I've come to know you are. " I just smiled before I was pulled away by one of the guards. Lord looks like I'm in your hands now.

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now