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Alade sat in his office chair totally ignoring the paper work in front of him and gave into the inviting pleasures of his LA LA land. He couldn't believe that he had been living with a monster all this time. The young man knew about is fathers promiscuity and other bad habits but this...this was way extreme. He felt regret and guilt eating him up as he thought about the things he had labelled Efua as in his head. He was always the quiet type and never really confronted her about the issue but deep down he always thought she was a dramatic crazy chick who just loved attention. But now the uneasiness he felt wasn't settling with him at all. He had a weird relationship with Efua but he still felt obliged to protect her In some way.

He had intended living Nene's with the decision to end this once and for all. He didn't want Efua suffering any longer as she had already . Nene instead told him to leave it till the final day of the trial. He was confused as to why. He had expected her to go sprinting out immediately with the evidence to the court but she was somewhat calm about it.

"But what about Efua?!" I had countered.

"Don't you worry dear...Efua is a big and strong girl" She grinned.

Alade pondered deeply and could feel the goosebumps ripping through his skin. The feeling of disgust , betrayal , guilt and anger coursed through his core.

"Knock knock" A voice startled him.

The young man looked through the glass door and locked eyes with a grinning Amaka. Sitting up straight he mustered the most believable smile he could at her as she entered.

"Hey Cuz!" She said gleefully before going to hug him as he sat.

"Hey" he simply said.

She pulled back letting the smile on her face drop as she scrutinized his face. She sighed.

"Are you still thinking about him" she sighed and said in a stressed voice.

"Yes" he said his eyes now taking interest on the glass door.

She sighed .

"I remember how he'd scold you for picking on me when we were little." She said as as a smile tugged on her lip.

The young man reflected on those times and gave a small smile also. Back then he was different and worthy of emulation but then again they were just kids and they knew nothing.

"If not for that ...that whore...that murderous bitch. He'd have been alive today" she said balling her fists.

His body immediately went cold. His face went red as he greeted his teeth.

"Don't you dare call her that." He snarled.

The young lady furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and placed her hands on her hip.

"Yes I will call her whatever I want because she is a hateful murderer."

Alade struggled to keep calm he didn't want to do something he'd regret. He had known himself as someone who did really impulsive things when angry so he just stayed quiet.

When the young lady saw that Alade wasn't going to reply her, she glared daggers at him and changed it to a look of uttermost surprise.

"Are you kidding me? Uh So you're taking her side now... SHE KILLED YOUR FATHER!...YOUR FATHER!!!!!? and you take her side? What wrong with all of you...she is EVIL!...EVIL!!" The lady screamed at the top of her voice.

"SHE IS INNOCENT!" He roared as she stood firm looking him straight in the eye.

"Oh...and what makes you say that?"

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now