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    I woke up to Enya's only time blasting in the living room were i had passed out from excessive crying. My mouth had that raw taste of whiskey. I think had left my sound system on when the power went out. I groaned at slight headache forming at the back of my head. I looked towards the window and could see that the sun was already setting. My phone was lying carelessly on the ground of the couch I was lying on.  With my face still squished against the couch I picked up my phone to look at the at  the time but was interrupted by a pop up message on the screen from "bloody f Efua"  

Efua:"Jimmy help mn".

I shot up from the couch all evidence of sleep apparently gone. I checked the time it was sent and it was just an hour and twenty  minutes.  I rushed out immediately not before yelling out to my security guard to open the gate.

    I got into the car and took off.

"Move dammit!" I yelled at the ongoing traffic that has planned to annoy me further.

After a long and torturous twenty minutes of waiting, I burst out of the traffic. I for one was surprised that I didn't even abandon the car and board a commercial vehicle.
As I drove I knocked down something. It hit the car with a loud thud.
I looked at my side mirror and realized it was a goat. I increased my speed forgetting about the stubborn creature that probably deserved to die for being so foolish. Those area boys will eventually share it among themselves. At least its a win win for everyone; food for the hungered and cleansing the world from foolish things.

     I soon got to the house and pulled over carelessly on the road.
I ran to the gate and banged it with my fist impatiently but there was no reply. I repeated the action continuously until the peep hole opened revealing a pair of red eyes which could have been from sleep or excessive smoking.

"Yes? Who you be and why do yuh wantu break my gyate?" He said in an annoying accent.

"Open this gate! I want to see your madam" I retorted growing more impatient.

"Which of d madams becauuuuse madam is not around unless your talking about small madam and---

"Yes small madam open the gate!"

"Wait first who are yuh?"

"Open this door my friend before I pull you out through that hole and deal with you!" I growled.

"Ahaps me I don't want to lost my jiob oooo" he retorted nonchalantly  and closed the pinhole.

"OPEN THIS DOOOR!!" I roared banging the door but he didn't answer.

I groaned and ran back into my car taking matters into my hands. It was good I came with my jeep. I drove the car so that it was inches away from the wall. Once that was done, I got out, climbed the car and jumped on the fence. I ignored the stinging sensation of the barb wires as they cut my fingers and jumped over.

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now