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     I smiled against her lips and kissed her back immediately with more passion. The kiss consisted of accumulated desire and affection.

We battles for dominance but I won. Luckily for us it was dark and the parking lot was obscure so I pulled my car keys from the pocket of my slacks and unlocked it pressing the button.

I picked her up and tied her legs around my waist before opening the door of the backseat and plopping down with her on top me.

I kissed her neck and licked it sensually like honey off a spoon. She moaned loudly as I found her sweet spot licking and nipping on it.

Her hands gripped my bulging member and I groaned at the throbbing sensation. She stroked it up and down while sucking my lower lip and biting it.

I grabbed her ass and squeezed hard earning a loud moan from her. I slid my hands behind her thighs and began tracing up gradually until she flinched and stopped me.

"I...I have to go we shouldn't be doing this." She said picking up her purse and getting up to live.

"What...why...did I do something wrong?"

I couldn't get a reply as she entered her car and speedily zoomed off.

"God Jimmy you're such an idiot!" I said groaning.

Just dinner with person and you wan tear ha.
I have to call her and apologize cause I'm already making progress with her.


  God what's wrong with me? Why is my life such a mess?
I asked myself these questions as I drove home.

I thought I could go on sexually with Jimmy without bolting away but I was so wrong.

His touch and kisses where so unique and made me a moaning mess. I was getting lost in the pleasure until he started sliding his fingers behind my thighs.

That act just made the whole event turn into one of that step dad of mines escapades and I immediately felt like I was molested allover again.

When I was much younger and these incidents were more frequent, Step dad usually sneaks into my room and slides his fingers in between my thighs and starts pulling at my underwear.
So trying to make it more difficult for him I'd always tie a long wrapper,  sleep on my stomach and cover my big blanket over me.

Unfortunately, little did I know that I just made things worse because my backside was on full display for him now.

  I felt a wet saltiness on my lip and realized i was crying.

I got myself together and took in deep breadths as I arrived at my gate.
Back to the house of drama.

     I went in to find Mum and step dad snuggled up on the couch watching movies.

   Mum glared at me and I rolled my eyes at her funny attitude.
Her head was under step dad's chin so she couldn't see him smirk at him.
I eyed him up and down with my eyelids  and made my way to my room.

On my way to my room I bumped into Alade who was coming out of his room with an empty plate.

"Ugh! You eat like a pig."

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now