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      I  let out a sigh of relief as I plopped unto the couch in the living room. Work has been a bitch of late and to crown it all up Jimmy's my new patient now. Life really does love complicating my life further than it already was.

I shook my head and went to my room to freshen up. Settling on a pair bumshorts and a fitted plain white shirt I put on my flip flops and headed to the kitchen to cook something. I examined the ingredients and almost immediately I craved for some vegetable soup, semovita  and some chicken.

Plugging in my headphones I set to work as I let Sia's this is acting album take me to another dimension of bliss and glee.
One would be surprised that after all my years outside Nigeria I still remember my native dishes.

"Hey Sis! Smells good." Alade said entering the kitchen with his briefcase.

"Oh hey...I didn't hear you come in . how was work?" I said turning and beaming at him.

"Oh work was hectic as what are we having for lunch."

"Well I'm cooking vegetable soup and semo...hope you like vegetables."

"Haha...see question... Of course I do...I'm surprised you even remember how to cook."  He said snorting.

"What do you mean?...go upstairs and freshen up before I take offence with statement." I said giving him a quizzical look.

"Yes Ma!" He said saluting before marching out of the kitchen.
I giggled at his playfulness reminiscing back to the days when he always bullied me and stuff. Time does change people I'll admit. I hope this new relationship will be better than the latter.

   I finished cooking after some hours and began doing the dishes when Mum and her husband got back.

"Mmmm....something smells really good!" Mum exclaimed from the living room.

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now