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Dedicated to Akjwyepal

Jimmy's P.O.V

     What does she mean by that? God Efua could be childish a times. The lady is as stubborn as a goat . Oh!
This discussion is far from over. I groaned dropping my phone and plopping onto my bed still dressed in what I was wearing for dinner and great an unattended erection.

I  pressed it down trying to calm it down but no Tola decided to remain at attention.
Maybe a cold bath will cool me down and soothe me.

Striping out of my clothes, I tied a towel around my waist and went into the bathroom to have a cold shower.

Unfortunately this stupid erection was still poking out of my towel. I groaned and got into the shower and let the cold water wash away my...arousal.

It was like a battle because my dick started deflating but began inflating. This happened a couple of times so I pressed all the way down and put it  between my thighs.
Turns out that was only worse because it inflated totally and remained unshaken.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures."  I said holding my dick with my left hand like a gun and reaching out for my soap with the other.
I coated my fingers with some soap and rubbed it all over my shaft. Starting from the tip I stroked down to the base before i began stroking fast  using Efuas image.
I imagined her beautifully carved body, her hips and her luscious plump limps.
I stroked faster with the only sound coming from the friction of  skin and liquid soap.
The images in my head only got nastier and I found myself stroking even faster. I felt a tension in my lower abdomen as my release built up causing me to explode in the bathtub.

After a series of groans and moans, I took a proper shower and got ready for bed.

      While Browsing through my phone and replying some online messages and social media messages, I received  a WhatsApp message from Nene Ekpo.

I replied sharply and we began talking and reminiscing about old times and stuff.
Halfway into the chat she brought up the topic I had been trying to avoid.
Efua and I .

"What's going on between you and my paddy Efua be honest?😉"

I groaned and told her the truth actually.

"Nothing aswear."

The chat became quite serious as she told me  not to give up on her and blah blah .

"See babe the kin yans I don scata dis babe....heh...if na you, you go fall...buh I still de fight for am."

She kept telling me about giving her time and how she feels independent and stuff.

"You know ...she just behaves weird... I mean sometimes she gets into feeling and then she quickly goes back to the stone cold act "

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