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       I stared at Efua grinning madly and she stared back with a totally blank expression. Damn she’s killing it in that lab coat with her black long hair slicked back and her lips  coated with deep red lipstick  I think I just discovered a new fantasy. 

“Are you stalking me? Because if you are I’ll call the security on you” she said looking shocked.

“You realize this is Naija right…police or security no get time for this kin matter…I bet your security guard  is not even  at his work post.” I said smirking.

“I’ll scream then” she said.

“Oh yeah you will.” I winked and smirked at her.

“Just come over to the gurney.” She said rolling her eyes.

“The what?” I said totally oblivious on what she was referring to.

“That thing that looks like a bed!... did you even go to school?” she said raising her voice slightly in that duh attitude.

I looked at her quizzically and headed to the so called gurney.

“Wait before you get on that thing I want you to…” she paused for a while.

“What.” I said.

“Take off your shirt.”

I grinned devilishly and went over to her. I have a feeling this session is going to be very good.

“Should I take all my clothes off or only the shirt?” I asked innocently before wiggling my eye brows.

“Just your shirt.” She said scowling and taking a step back.

“Alright” I said before peeling off my jacket down to my vest and finally I was bare chest. If there was anything I know I was proud of it was my well defined abs. Starving myself and going to the gym totally paid off.
She stared at my body in awe and I came closer smirking at her. I leaned in for a kiss and before our lips could connect she snapped out of it and pushed me back gently.

“Look we are in a hospital we can’t be doing this other patients are waiting for me.”

“Fine” I said pouting and went over to the bed thing oh yes gurney and lay down.

She came over to me and brought out blue file and brushed through it.

“From your report it says you suffered from a head injury resulting from an accident caused by excessive speeding…depression and anger” she said slowly before looking at me sympathetically.

“You know you where the cause of that.” I said looking at the ceiling with a blank expression.

“Jimmy i…”

“You don’t understand Efua I was suicidal for you… it hurts to love someone you can’t seem to reach out to. When I tell you I loved love you, I mean it. I had planned on asking you out the day you defended me but after that day you were nowhere in sight.”

She sighed and sat down beside me looking down with sad eyes.

“Jimmy…I li—“

“Miss Coker.” someone called from behind the door interrupting us.

She sighed and stood up from the gurney.

“Yes come in?” she said and a stout nurse came in quietly and closed the door.

“Madam we have an emergency in the male surgical ward we need you as soon as possible.” She said looking down at her feet with her arms behind her back.

“Sure I’ll be there in ten minutes” she said smiling.

“Ok Ma” she said before living the office.

“Look Jimmy I…I have to go”

“I want to take you to dinner” I said plainly.
She sighed looking at me skeptically and nodded.

“Fine…” she said and quickly examined me with her stethoscope and BP checker.

“You are perfectly fine but always come for your checkup” she said skeptically as I got up to get dressed.

“I’ll pick you up by 8 on Friday evening; I’ll text you the remaining deets.” I said winking before giving her a peck and heading out of the office.

        As i walked out I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out only to realize it was Amaka. I groaned and put it back into my pocket.


    Why the heck wasn’t Jimmy picking my calls? That’s unusual, he never does that. Even if he was having any meeting of a sort he’d text me. Since his encounter with Efua he has been off lately. If that bitch thinks she can come and wreck what I’ve built for years ha she’s mistaken. She always feels as if she’s better than everyone else. At the party she walked and dressed as if she ruled the world. Even in secondary school she always went for things that weren’t hers. Jimmy is mine and mine alone and nobody will take him away from him.

“Nobody sees nobody knows, we are a secret can’t be exposed.” My phone sang to Zara Larson’s uncover signifying an incoming call.

It was Seyi.

“Hey Seyi how are you?” I said.

“Amaka baby I’m good and you?” he said.

“Good… good anything?”

“Not really I just wanted to ask if Jimmy is there with you because I’ve been trying his number but He’s not answering.” He said sounding a bit concerned.

“Well I also have tried his number a million times but he isn’t picking …and I’m getting worried.”

“Well don’t worry he’s probably taking time to cool off or something… he’ll be back.” He said reassuringly.

“I hope so…but at least he should tell me for Christ sake, I’m his girlfriend!” I sighed frustratingly.

“It’s ok, you know how we men are; always impulsive a times just relax.” He said and I sighed.

“Thanks …I will.”

“Emm but Amaka…he told me that he was going for his annual check up.” He said.
“Ok and?—“I said not seeing the connection.

“Guess who works there.”


“Efua Coker.” He said and my eyes widened.

“Why are you telling me this …are you insinua--?”

“No no no no no Jimmy would never do such…I hope. I’m just trying to tell you to keep him on a tight leash ok. Jimmy is a cute guy and any girl will kill to have him but also believe it or not Efua is a ridiculously gorgeous lady sooo…”

“It’s ok I get it Seyi I’ve heard you thanks and goodnight.”

“Goodnight and take care.” He said before hanging up.

“That bitch!” I yelled knocking the glass of brandy on the table and allowing it shatter into a million pieces. Why is it always me? I’ve tried to be nice to her but it seems she’s taking me for granted. I’m going to show her who Amaka Omalicha Achike is.

She has no idea what I’m capable of.

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