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"Wait first am I missing something?" Amaka said looking confused.

I stood up from my seat and lunged for jimmy who hugged me like it will be his last.
I broke from the hug and blushed a little as Amaka glared daggers at both of us.

"Um you two know each other?"

"Yes!" Jimmy said.

"We were b---"

"Best friends in high school." I said cutting him off.

"Yes we were pretty close." He said smirking.

"Is that's so?" Amaka said .

"Yeah" I said.

"Wow its been ages you look absolutely gorgeous and even better than before."

I blushed harder and he looked at Amaka who looked at us with raised eyebrows and folded arms and went to stand by her side grabbing her by the waist and pushing her to his side.

"So you guys are dating huh?" I said faking a cute smile.

"Yes!!" Amaka replied gleefully.

"Soon to be married...right jimmy love!" She said looking up at jimmy who gave an absurd look of surprise and "where the heck did that come from."

She turned back to me and smiled before attempting to pull jimmy away.
"Let's go say hi to the bride and groom"

"Uh...honey can I have a word with Efua I'll join you in a bit." Jimmy said

"I'll just stay so we can go together ." she said

"It won't take that long."

"What you can't say what you wanna say infront of me?she said feigning annoyance.

"No...yes! ...I mean I can."

"Oh Amaka stop being so suspicious... Jimmy can say what he has to say with you around...right?"

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now