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Alade walked into the living room with mixed feelings. He didn't really know who's side he was on this issue. He was quite furious at Efua for what she did but also knew what his father could do. He sat down on the couch with both hands cupping his face as he thought deeply about the matter. Mrs Coker just stormed toward her bedroom sobbing. Alade just looked at her with pity knowing that she was oblivious about her late husbands activities. He couldn't even recall the number of times he had caught his father with other women.
He also knew that there was a possibility of him liking Efua because Lord knows she was a beautiful woman and he himself was a little obsessed with her when she came back to Nigeria.

"Wait a second..what's that"
He thought narrowing his eyes at a spot on the curtain rods.

He could see a red light beeping faintly. On an afternoon like this it could've been almost impossible to detect it.
The man stood up and walked towards the beeping light and stopped to examine what it was. It could be a bomb for he cared. He then realized that something was attached to the metal rod from behind the curtain.

"Grah!.....Timmy Timmy Timmy turner he was wishin for a burner!"
His phone went out in his pocket startling him a little. He pulled it out from his back pocket and frowned at the unknown number before answering it.


"Mr Alade good day" a feminine voice said.

"Good day who is this?"

"i planted two things in your house; one behind the curtain of your living room and the other in Efua's room"

He removed the phone from his ears and looked at the screen before putting in back in his ears.

"Who is this?"

"You will find out soon, just get those things and come outside I'm waiting for you" the caller said before hanging up.

He raised the curtain unveiling what seemed to be a mini Camera clipped on the rod.
His eyes widened as he removed the little device. He dashed off to Efuas room and darted his eyes round the unkempt and scattered room but couldn't see anything. Standing at akimbo his eyes spotted something directly under the curtain on the floor beeping.

He picked it up and dashed out of the house quickly.


Efua sat on the ground of her cell munching on a piece of bread which seemed to have been drier than cabin biscuits itself. She ate silently as the bread crunched and melted in her mouth. She had had enough for one day and a peaceful and quiet environment was all she needed.

"Aiiic!!...funeh babe were you!?" one of the female officers yelled.

Efua groaned at the nickname knowing fully well it was her.

"You get visitor oya commot" she said opening the bars of her cell. She walked out of her cell frowning and pouting her lips.

She contorted her face in confusion and shock at who she saw sitting waiting for her.

She saw the same lawyer who had defended her step fathers case sitting on a table grinning devilishly at her. The young man sat a bit excited with his reunion with Efua.

" If you are trying to incriminate me or want to blackmail me or any of those shit they do on TV just forget it because I'm not saying anything without my lawyer." She said dumbfound.

He chuckled leaning back and folding his arms on his chest.

"Calm down I'm not here for anything of that " he said.

"So what are you here for?"

"Look at me closely Efua do you..
Remember me." he said.

The young lady narrowed her eyes at him seeing some form of familiarity but couldn't yet place a finger on it.

"Well Have we met somewhere ?" she said more as a statement than a question.

"You mean you don't recognize me? "

She stared at him with slight confusion.

"Have I changed that much? After all these years I still remember you. I mean you are even prettier than before." He said standing up to walk round her in circles.

"What have you gotten yourself into Efua love."

"Sorry I don't think we dated because if we did I'd remember so cut it out with the pet names and go straight to the point." Efua said with a sarcastic flavor.

"Still the tough big mouthed girl I see....let me give you a hint. I'm the one you told to fuck off....I'm the one you treated like garbage"

She giggled a little .

"You sound like a heartbroken lady about carry out her revenge on the guy that broke her heart.... "

His vision was clouded in anger as he slammed his fist on the desk before laughing devilishly at her.

"Oh do I?" He said now standing behind her and bringing his lips close to her ear.

"Oh you do " she retorted pushing his face away with her hand.

"And trust me...I've told a million and one people to Fuck off so you have to be more specific than that"

He strolled back to his seat and sat before reaching out to touch her arm.

"Don't touch me" she said calmly but one will know that there was a hint of a threat to it.
Already the wheels had been turning in her head and she knew who the miserable young man was. She wasn't sure though but waited to see if her theory was correct.

"I know you know who I am already" he said smirking.

"Tell me the words I said to you exactly" Efua said.

"Get Lost".

Efua leaned in deadly closer to him in that they were looking into each others eyes. She could see the malice and spite in his eyes and he could see anger and rage struggling to come out from hers.

"So what then are you still doing here hm?....what then ?"

He didn't say anything. The tension was too much between them.

" Answer me Jolly."

A/N: thank y'all for reading ...please vote and comment.
That was quite intense if you ask me.
So the 'he" has finally been unveiled.
I bet some of you knew while others....

Thanks again stay...tuned.


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