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   The court buzzed with chattering and excitement as Ansa walked towards the bar. Efua kept her eyes glued on him taking in his features. She had seen this man before; but were? Was all she thought. Meanwhile Fauzia silently prayed that what he had to say would change things.

The young man assumed his position in the bar and took in deep breaths. He couldn't remember the last time he was this nervous and he felt like a deer in the lights.

"Mr ...-"

"Ansa Ezaegbegbe." He finished seeing as the oath giver didn't really get his name earlier.

"Ok...are you a christian or a Muslim?" he asked holding a Bible and a Quran in both hands.
He suddenly felt his cheeks go hot. He was  a Christian but couldn't remember the last time he went to a church or even prayed.

"I'm a christian." He said with
So much confidence that he surprised himself also.

The oath keeper administered the oath to him  and went back to take his seat.

All eyes were fully on him. He felt like a router connected to a dozen cables.
He looked towards the direction of the judge who was looking at him with a slightly raised brow.

"Yes...get on with it." the judge said slightly loosing his cool.

Ansa shook his head before grabbing his crotch and  began wriggling it oddly.
Everyone looked at him as if he had gone mad, even Efua furrowed her eyebrows at him in confusion.
It was when he pulled out  something from his trousers that everyone understood.

"Your honor, if you could play this all what I have to say is in it."

   The judge signaled with his finger at the back corner of the court and a stout looking man in a white uniform  walked towards the bar to retrieve  the tape.

   Meanwhile Amaka watched in anger at what she was seeing. She already knew what he was holding immediately he revealed it.  Her breathing became ragged as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.  She couldn't just believe it. Efua was getting  what she wanted. Again. She was going to be left with nothing.

No way.

As the stout man in white approached her direction, she snuck quick glances at the officers who had her in lock. Fortunately enough for her their grip on her had loosened and with all the energy she could gather,  she ripped herself from the officers taking them by surprise and startling the stout man before snatching the tape way from him.
Everyone watched as she threw the tape to the wall as it instantly shattered.

She laughed and struggled like a psycho as four officers apprehended her.

"Take that !!Now there is no proof!!!! You are joining me in prison!!!  You think you can take everything I have from me?!... Hahaha! "
Amaka all but roared at Efua who gave her a look of shock mixed with sympathy. Efua began to wonder if just maybe Amaka needed psychiatric help.

"Take this mad woman and lock her up! " the judge spat.

Right now the court was in total chaos because of the scene.

"Order!  Order!! "

"My lord! " Ansa said  slightly raising his voice causing everyone to keep shut.

"Due to the likeliness of such event happening, I converted the tape to MP4 and it's on my smart phone."

"No!!! " Amaka yelled.

At that moment Efua remembered who Ansa was as she stared at him with her eyes and mouth wide open.

Surprisingly the court began to cheer at the sound of that. 

Fauzia  couldn't bear it any longer she wanted to know what was in the infamous tape.

Amaka was dragged away as she screamed and cried on the way out.

Jolly sat down confused and defeated. He didn't know what he was on about anymore.

       Soon all the windows were closed and the lights were off as the projector rolled. The court waited in anxiousness for the DELL intro to finish before the video could start. The events of the video were displayed in full view.  The court gasped, ooed and Ahhed at the horrifying scenes they watched.

Efua felt hot tears trickle down her eyes as the nightmare replayed in her very eyes.  The camera got the scenes In detail and it felt like a horror movie.
Fauzia pulled Efua to her shoulder as she comforted her, mentally squealing at the this.

    Soon the video was over and the lights came on to reveal individuals with tear stained cheeks, others with oval shaped lips and some others looking embarrassed.

Everyone glared at the judge who looked down at his paper, feeling ashamed of his old verdict. He squeezed the paper and tossed to a random direction.

"Efua Coker your case has been redirected to that of self defense from dehumanization , you've been found not guilty ...You are discharged and acquitted with immediate release! "

The whole court applauded and others gave standing ovations.  Efua's mother who had been there quickly ran out.

Fauzia jumped up and down shaking Efua who remained frozen. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

Was she in a dream?

She got her confirmation when one of the officers came and removed the cuffs from her hands.

It was real.

She immediately threw herself on Fauzia and wept furiously.

She was finally free.

A/N: Wow I'm sorry guys, I had a terrible writers block but I've overcomed!  Please vote and comment!!!!!!. Have a great day. By the way we are approaching the end so stay tuned!!!


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