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A/N: sexy scene Alert Beware!!!(x rated) For those who are reading, enjoy!!!


I had got back from work hours ago with a terrible migraine. I took a nap for God knows how long and as of now my tummy felt like everything in it including my organs had gone on a holiday. Moving lazily into the kitchen, I picked 3 packets of indomie hungry man noodles (what I was really hungry😒) and quickly cooked it. I was a pro at cooking indomie trust me.
I dished out the noodles on a large fine China and went to my room. Picking up my laptop I looked for a movie to watch and settled on Dirty Grandpa. I can't get tired of watching that movie.

I wasn't half way into my food or my movie when I heard a loud bang on the gate.
I frowned and wondered who would be visiting me at 9:30pm in the night. Going to the peak of my house I looked out the balcony to see who was behind the gate. I couldn't see the person clearly but when I spotted the Audi outside I knew exactly who it was.

Sighing I quickly ran down the stairs and went out to open the gate.

"Hey baby!" I said opening my arms to hug her.
She brushed passed me dodging my arms and made her way to the house.

"Don't baby me!"she said vexed.

"Oh boy" I said under my breadth.

I entered the house and met her folding her arms and glaring at me.

"Look...before you say anything I'm sorry for not picking your calls I was at the hospital getting my usual check up." I quickly said.

"At least you should have called me and told me...I'm your girlfriend for crying out loud and I get worried ." she said calmly.

"I know and I'm sorry" I said moving close to her and engulfing her in a bear hug.

"You could at least have called me...I was so wor--"

" I know babe I'm sorry." I said cutting her off and placing kisses on her neck.

" stop...I'm not falling for that" she said and started giggling when I nibbled on her earlobe and started sucking on the sensitive flesh there.

"Stop!"she squealed and made for the stairs to my room. I chased after her and caught her before she reached the stairs swooping her into my arms and kissing her as we went upstairs.

I swung open the door and we plopped on the bed. She immediately picked my plate of noodles and tasted it.

"Ugh!...jimmy this poison." She said grimacing.

"You don't like my cooking?" I said in a childish tone.

"Nooo I do and I love the chef better." She said pulling my face and engulfing my lips in a passionate kiss..

One thing I loved about Amaka was that she never hesitated to express her love to me. She was like a slab of cement covering a crack on the wall.

The little passionate kiss that we shared became a heated one and one which involved gasps and heavy breathing.
I kissed her sucking on her bottom lip and nibbling on it. She let out quiet whimpers and then slid her hands underneath my shirt. I flipped her over so that I was i was on top her and devoured her mouth lustfully exploring every inch of her mouth. A Loud moan escaped her mouth and all the blood in my body rushed to my cock causing it throb painfully.
She grabbed my cock and massaged it through my shorts from top to base sensually. I grunted and groaned as I placed hot wet kisses from her jawline down to her neck. She moaned loudly and tugged on my shirt which I removed quickly. She traced her fingers from my neck down to my abs as she sucked on my right nipple tweaking and teasing the other painfully. I ripped the neck of her gown which was a light material. Seeing she had no bra on, her full plump and curvy boobs bounced freely.
I ate them up greedily sucking on the black honey dots like no tomorrow.
She moaned loudly arching her back as my fingers parted her panties giving me access to her already wet and swollen flower.
I caressed the rod like receptor there and slid my middle finger into the wet opening.

"Oh my God Jimmy right there ahhh!!!" She screamed and I smiled against her boobs. I increased the pace of my fingering and watched her moan and grimace in absolute bliss. She flipped us over that I was now on the bed and she was on top. She took off her undies sexually looking at me and bitting her lip and I groaned. She pulled down my shorts including my boxers letting my hard and leaking member spring freely.
She took it in her hands and I moaned or more of cried when she took me in her mouth. I was pretty big so i was impressed on how she tried to swallow me. I saw stars as her wet lips were wrapped around my hard member sucking and teasing the head with her tongue. She bobbed her head fast from head to base taking in some of my precum. I moaned and then all of a sudden Efuas face popped up in my head. I felt a large pressure on my head instantly.

"Arrghhh!" I screamed clutching my head.

"Yes baby you like it when I suck it like that? Mmmmmm! Yeah"
She said thinking I was screaming in pleasure.
I turned to my side curling into a ball as I sobbed in pain.

"Oh my God baby are you OK?" I heard her say faintly before everything went black but with one image in my mind and dreams


Hey there hope that wasn't to sudden. Thanks for reading please vote and comment.


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