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      "Finally got the bitch." mexy said after he knocked her out with a log.
"Nice one man." I retorted before stepping out of the cluster of trees I was standing in.

"Make we pieces her now ba...kai...Abdul! bring dat machete." Suskybaba said quickly.

"Wait now...dis babe fine o ...see nyash abeg. " Orizo countered before grabbing one of her ass cheeks in his hands and massaging it softly.

He grinned and it was as if he opened the eyes of the others. Their eyes became clouded with lust and I'd also admit I also was having the same feeling.

" Turn her over." I said unbuckling my belt. Orizo and suskybaba turned her over and started ripping off her skirt.

"Wait wait wait wait!"

I know this face isn't this ? Oh my Fu--

"carry her to the car."

"What?!" They all said one at a time.

"Boss but-" Orizo countered

"Don't let me bloody fucking repeat myself take her to the car you idiots! And no one should lay a finger on her."

They all reluctantly kept it in their pants while mexy carried Her to the car.

"Suskybaba take her car close to the bridge and set it on fire."

He he nodded while glaring at the ground.

We left the area and I took her to tinuke's house. Tinuke was one of my girlfriends that I usually visited once in a while. She was young and naive but beautiful. She was an only child and lived with her mother ever since her father died. Her mother liked me and usually called me in-law with hopes that I'd marry her daughter someday. Not realizing I was only after her "kpomo". Taking advantage of their hospitality I decided to take her to Tinuke's  house.

      I pulled up at the bushy compound. The little bungalow looked like it had been there for generations. The faded roof and the peeling wall paint still gave this feeling of hospitality and comfort. It was the only good place I could trust Nene to be.
When I saw Nene's face I knew it was her instantly. One would wonder how I was able to recognize her so quickly; but the thing is that I would know any student of forcados any day. And of course there is this little scar I accidentally gave her back in elementary school just above her eye brow. I could vaguely replay the scene in my head. It was break time and as everyone ate I noticed Nene sitting down with her arms folded as she stared at her pink barbie warmer. I threw a paper at her to get her attention and she met my gaze.
I gestured with my hands inquiring why she wasn't eating. She just shrugged and did a "NO" and "SPOON" sign and got the message. I immediately took out my spoon since I was done then ran out to rinse it under the tap so I could give it to her clean.

"Ansa let's go and play police and theif seyi has started choosing?" Jimmy said excitedly coming to pull me as i stood at the entrance of the door.

I also became excited on hearing that since I loved the game so much.
" wait wait wait! Let me give Nene my spoon." I said turning to look into the classroom for Nene.

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now