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       Efua walked down the hallway of the court room accompanied by some guards. She kept a straight face and wasn't  bothered by the stares or side comments made by people. She just assumed her position in front and sat down lifelessly. Not even up to a minute later Fauzia dashed in looking beat up. She gave Efua a half smile but Efua stared at her as if she was a boring wall.

"Sweetheart...don't you worry we are not giving up that easily" she added hugging Efua Who didn't return the hug. Efua stared at her for a brief second Examining her face. She looked terrible. Her eyes were puffy as if she had been crying all night. She had bags under them . The glow she usually had wasn't just there. Efua was tempted to ask about Nene. But she was afraid she already knew the answer to that. 

"May the  court rise...Coooouurt!"

Time skip.

    The tension in the court room was thick. Angry and hateful faces, clenched fists and thumping hearts were the order of the day. Jolly kept his word as he dug out Efua's past mistakes and threw it to the court. Fauzia was like a protective mother hen as she
Defended Efua to her very best. But one could tell that this best wasn't quite enough. The evidence brought against Efua was just too much. While Fauzia prayed secretly for a miracle to turn things, Efua wished for all this to be over so she could go back to her cell. She will definitely be transfered to the main prison she thought. She deserved to be in prison. She was weak. If only she did something much earlier but then again what didn't she do. Sometimes bad things aren't easily stopped as we see in movies. They either continue later or look for another victim.

" I'll retire to my chambers decide my final verdict which will be announced in an hours time . may the court rise"


The atmosphere was filled up with chattering as people babbled furiously on what the verdict should be.

"Hey I I ...I have faith...we can still win this...we just have to-

"Don't "

Efua said rather harshly causing Fauzia to keep shut.

Fauzia sighed before sitting down next to Efua defeated.

"What are we going to do now?" She said more to herself than to Efua.

"Nothing...I appreciate your help Fauzia and I can't thank you enough...this is were it all ends for me." Efua added smiling to herself.

" you know things can just suddenly change right... boom just like magic and you'll be at the pool relaxing with a cold drink and some music even with some fresh air..."

Efua chuckled at Fauzia's  attempt to lighten the mood. It worked but they both knew what was coming.

"God I miss that so much." Efua added throwing her head back with her eyes closed trying to picture it.

Fauzia smiled sadly. So far this has been her most challenging case.

She felt eyes on her and turned to see Jolly grinning at her along side Amaka.

She shot him the deadliest look she could muster  and turned to look at Efua who was braiding a portion of her unkempt hair.

       Time went by quickly and the judge was announced in.

Everywhere quickly went silent before the court rose in reverence.

The air was thick with tension as hearts thumped. The judge gave a dramatic pause before sighing.

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now