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Dedicated to @ste_fan


Efuas P.O.V

I jolted awake to the sounds of fists banging on my door.

"Efua! Efua! Open the door now!"

I hadn't even realised I was panting and soaked in sweat.

A sharp pain shot into my head and I groaned.
The loud bangs coming from the door wasn't helping matters at all so I picked my silk robe from my bedside and put it on.

Immediately I opened the door Mum gave me a look of terror and touched my cheek before storming into the room with her scarf tied tightly around her waist. Great she was also carrying a kitchen pistil .

"My baby what happened! Who is here! What is it! Kilode?"

I rolled my eyes before massaging my forehead and shaking it.

Alade who I didn't notice was behind me spoke startling me a little.

"Is everything OK ? I heard screaming from my room."

"Oh its nothing just had a nightmare." I retorted and he glared at me.

"What?!" I retorted glaring back.

He just shook his head in disbelief.

Mum was still going crazy searching my room as if someone was hiding in it.

"Mum calm down its just a nightmare I was having!" I retorted trying get her to calm down.

"Are you sure no one was here or something wasn't here...a snake?...scorpion?.."

She said and I snorted rather unattractively .

" Now that you mentioned it I think I just saw a cockroach scurrying into the bathroom." I joked and she shot me daggers.

"God please can you dream quietly next time...some of us are trying to crash in peace o jare." Alade grumbled as he left shutting the door rather loudly.

"Someone's grumpy" I pouted.

"Efua.....why do you joke about serious issues like this. I'm worried about you don't you see that--" she said quite sincerely.

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now