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"So what do you say Miss Coker?... Umm Miss Coker? ... Hello? "The red man with the British accent said jerking me back to reality.

"Oh yes! ... Sorry about that I was still trying to... process the news." I said trying hard to hide the shock in my voice.
"Oh okay so... are you in?"
"Can I sleep on it and get back to you?"
"Take your time and have a nice day." He said standing up to leave.
"And you to Mr. Anderson." I said beaming at him.

I sighed looking at the letter on my desk. I had been offered a huge amount to lead a team of doctors of the W.H.O to Nigeria. Bloody wolves knew I couldn't resist helping people. The problem is not doing it because I could as well do it for free because money isn't a problem for me. The problem is the location .why Nigeria? Lately I've had more than one reason to go there but I've always ignored it. Now fate has decided to mock me and bring this plague to my door step. I couldn't help but think about Jimmy. I've always wondered how he was and what was going on in his life. After I left we communicated as often as possible with each other but as time went on we became quite distant until we finally stopped talking and lost touch with each other. I'm not usually that much of a social network person but I decided to open a Facebook account but not with my name of course. I used Cynthia Ross and sent jimmy a friend request which he accepted I think a day later. I didn't want to chat with him I just wanted to see his pictures and some other information. He had turned into a very fine and handsome man. My little Jimmy now keeps a Jewish styled beard. He added a lot of muscle to his body. I remember a picture I saw of him at the pool with some old friends. He looked mouthwatering with his six packs and arms that slopped like a plateau. Yes I know ya'll be like Efua Coker is now a stalker; well don't blame me these American boys are jerks. Can you imagine the last guy I went on a date with tried to have sex with me in the car in front of my house in fact one of the other guys made me pay the bills for our meal after the date? Not that I didn't mind doing it's just that I feel that a guy paying the bills after the date shows that he is a gentleman not a rich man. At least that's something I give to Nigerian boys; they always pay even if it's their last cash or borrowed money.

I don't know why dating is so difficult for me here in New York. I was actually planning on remaining celibate for life but no Talia my best friend persuaded me not to give up on love and whatnot. She has all these crazy fantasies and Cinderella moments cooked up in her brain but I'm nowhere there.
Well, looks like I can't mix my personal life with work. "Just think about the children Efua just them." I took in deep breaths, picked up my phone and dialed Mr. Anderson.

"Hello Miss Coker made a choice yet?" He said sharply as if he had been waiting for me to call all along.
I rolled my eyes dramatically at the sound of that.

"Count me in."

I could feel him grin devilishly over the phone.

"You won't regret this ...we will email you the details immediately."

"Alright the have a nice day."

"You too oh! And welcome aboard."


It's a Saturday and the boredom level is just high. Picking up my iPhone I unlock the screen and go straight to my Facebook page. I looked at some photos; some I liked, some I laughed out loud like those animated photos of bro. I rolled my eyes at the haunting pictures of Caro both on her posts and advertisements. She was a full time model and modeled almost everything. I smiled staring at a photo of her from I think a makeup commercial or was it a wig commercial I don't know but I saw her tying a scarf around her neck ... maybe it's a scarf commercial. Well I don't know but she looks very pretty; seems as if it was yesterday we dated. When I was called Caro's Jimmy I always got mad; L.O.L how time flies. We are just really good friends now.

I switched to my Facebook messenger and looked for some interesting friends to chat with. I couldn't find anyone good enough to cheer me up so I decided to just log out. As my finger hovered over the exit button I noticed a strange friend online on my messenger. I realized that I have never actually sent this Cynthia Ross a message before nor has she. "I should really to stop being a snob." I thought to myself. I clicked on the strangers profile and it was blank; I was the only friend she had which was very weird. I sent the stranger a message but she didn't reply even though the stranger knew I saw that it was read. I frowned and cursed the strangers fathers ass before logging off , picking my car keys and heading to the club.

Ques for the day:
What is largest living animal on earth?


The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now