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"You" I said sounding irritated.
" too" He said looking like a dear caught in the light

"so you have met then" Jimmy said sitting up.

"Yes!" We both said in unison.

"Yes in a rather unethical situation." I said shrugging. The dude was hot and cocky and if there's anything I hate in a man its pride. I'm guessing this should be Femi, Jimmy's oldest brother since he was always abroad and was rarely at home to encounter their Family Drama. 

"So Wole what do you think of little Nene...isn't she bae now" Jimmy said rummaging through the leather bag Wole had brought.
I rolled my eyes at his statement but was taken aback. Did he say Wole.

"Yes bro she...she's"

"...ho...hon point"

I scowled and snorted a little.

"All this Yoruba boys and your H factor." I said.
Jimmy roared in laughter mock pointing at his brother who shot him daggers.

"Wow Wole its been what like ages? I couldn't even recognize you..."

" too you've grown a lot and have become this............ This"

"What?" I said furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Uh...this...such a hot..beautiful lady. Not that you weren't beautiful before but just wow you've... You've changed."

"Ha! OK oh" Jimmy said before stuffing his mouth with a large amount of bread.

"Ok?" I said blushing a little.

Wole glared at Jimmy and snatched the piece of bread he was holding.

"Who told you that bread was yours?"

"Ah bread is bread now!" Jimmy protested.

"Eat the Abbey and live my 212 for me" Wole countered.

They began bickering like little kids and I sighed. All I could think of was Efua's trial which was scheduled for tomorrow. I know Amaka is already scheming to destroy Efua.

She really is a psycho.

"Nene are you sure the lawyer you have is good enough?" Jimmy said tentatively.

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now