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           Efua walked into the room with a blank face. She showed no emotion as she walked towards the body hanging from the ceiling.  She stood in front of the body looking at the familiar face  she had grown so used to now swollen and decorated with hints Of purple . The mouth of the deceased was slightly opened and her once vibrant eyes were wide and lifeless. The room spun in frenzy  as Efuas breathing became ragged and everything blurred . The last thing she heard was a loud scream before she lost consciousness.

      Efua woke to the warm pink walls of her bedroom. She blinked her eyes slowly trying to adjust her vision. She wondered how she got there as she  squirmed on the bed. It all suddenly came back to her like a blast.  She jolted up instantly and got out of bed. She walked slowly to the door and unlocked it.

As she opened the door she could hear voices and sirens coming from outside. She quickly got down  stairs and was greeted by the sight of paramedics and some police officers talking to a small group of people consisting of Fauzia, Alade,Nene, and Ansa.

This is actually happening.

She thought as she felt asthmatic all of a sudden.

Nene spotted her instantly and whispered something to them before they all turned to her direction. Nene and Fauzia quickly dashed towards her embracing her simultaneously. She rested her head on the midpoint of their shoulders. Their perfumes seemed to somewhat calm her down as she inhaled the distinct cent oozing from them.

The tears were there but controllable causing her to keep them in.

Something was slipped into her hands by Fauzia and she pulled back to stare at the folded piece of paper.

"it was on her dresser." Fauzia said.

Efua sat down on the side stool being it was the closest thing she could find and opened the letter.

"Dear Efua,
My Baby. I'm sorry very sorry.  I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I don't deserve you. I was a horrible mother. If I could turn back the hands of time I will. I'll forever love you -"

Efua couldn't finish it as the tears came down like an avalanche. The other two ladies embraced and whispered sweet nothings to her as she wept bitterly in their arms.

She realized that she loved her mother more than she could ever imagine and she never opened her mouth to say those words.

It was too late now...
She was gone.

3 Months Later.


"Wow Mr solade at this rate I'll be discharging you in no time. " The doctor examining Jimmy commented while scribbling something down on his notepad.

"Doctor see I've healed already just let me go please. I need to go out and exercise the leg." Jimmy begged hopefully like a little kid asking for candy. Wole rolled his eyes and went back to the book he was reading. At the back of his mind he also was tired of sitting in the hospital all day baby sitting his little brother. He wanted to go out and have some fun too but for obvious reasons he couldn't.

The doctor examined his leg without uttering a single word. Jimmy frowned and folded his arms in annoyance. He couldn't take it anymore he needed to leave this horror house.  He had gotten to know that Efua was free and well except for the tragedy about her mother. All he wanted was to be there with her, hold her everyday and call her his. He couldn't ask for anything else. But he personally thought that the doctors were working against his love because he wasn't even using two crotches anymore but just one and he could walk a little without any of them.

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now