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Nene walked out of the office in a lousy mood. Her day was filled up with a lot of paper work and a lot of yelling at the employees. All she just wanted to was go home, take a nice shower and stay in all through the weekend. She wasn't going to answer no calls.

Sighing, she got into her car and took off. The stereo came alive as Sinach's way maker blasted through the speakers of the car. She sang along skillfully and wondered how her life would've been if she had taken up music as career. She would have probably been in those church bands struggling to sell her CD's to the congregation. But at least she likes what she's doing now; she pays pays her bills, sits in an office and yell at lazy workers while sipping a cup of coffee so she wasn't complaining. For all she knew, she had a pretty good life.

As she pulled up at a potato stand to price a basket of Irish potatoes, she noticed a familiar beat up Mercedes approaching her. She had recognized it as the same one she saw at the traffic she was caught up in some few minutes ago before she got here. Shaking that out of here mind, she got out of her car and went over to potato lady who was already rushing towards her with a bucket of potatoes on her head while carrying her baby on the back. Before she could even get a closer look at the potatoes in the bucket, the sound of gunshots blocked her hearing. The potato lady scurried away with her baby yelling and screaming. Nene simply hid behind her car totally confused on what to do due to fear. She peaked and saw the Mercedes parking right in front of her car. Some dangerous looking men came out with guns and she felt a pang in her chest. she did the first thing she could think of.


She took to her heels not caring that she was on heels. As the slit on her skirt expanded , so did her heels dive to the skies living her bare feet to the comfort of the tared road.


Those words injected more adrenaline into her causing her to run even faster. She dared to glance back and saw that they were gaining on her. They started firing at her causing her to scream and slow down in the process. She spotted some bushes and ran into it. She cursed at the thorns that pricked at her legs and knew she was bleeding somewhere. She ducked under some bushes in an obscure area. The thugs ransacked the area but were unable to spot her. One of them who was somewhat short came towards her direction and dipped his hand into the spot she was hiding in but was stopped by the sound of something in another direction. He quickly dashed away causing the thumping in the terrified lady's heart to slow down a bit. She had thought initially that the sound of her thumping heart will give her away.

She stayed there for what seemed like forever but was actually thirty minutes before coming out when she was sure that she couldn't hear anything.

"AHHHHH!" She screamed as she locked eyes with four pairs of eyes. They grinned devilishly at her and before she could do anything else, she felt a sharp pain in her head causing black dots to cover her eyes slowly before drifting away to wonderland.

       "But are you sure she didn't leave any message... I mean, she doesn't do that."
Efua said drowning in concern.

"No...I would have known if she left any messages...Nene rarely texts me,she calls me."
Fauzia said pacing all over the place.

"its quite weird"

"Yes her line has been switched off all through the weekend and I don't have the contacts of any of her relatives."

  "She told me she was going to show us something that will end the case." Fauzia said confused.

"Well she had better show up or else I'll ----"

"oh please calm down ...your over thinking things she'll be here."

         About an hour and a half the ladies had already gotten used to  the comfort of silence and were exhausted.

They both jolted at the sound coming from fauzia's phone.

Fauzia quickly picks the phone and frowned at the unknown Id before answering.

Efua just watched as the lady's face evolved from one of confusion  to that of pure horror and shock.


The other lady looked confused but worried at the same time.

"I'll be right there!!" she shrieked picking up her purse and standing up to move out.

"What's wrong? everything OK?"

" Nene's car was found ablaze close to the train station."

Efua felt as if she was in a closed jar with no oxygen.
Her heart threatened to pierce through her chest.

"What about Nene?!...where is she?! she OK?...answer me!" She stood up probing  Fauzia trying to block her path as she was about to take off.

"Calm down...I'll keep you updated ..." Fauzia said maneuvering her way past Efua and bolting out of the room leaving Efua with her own thoughts. Efua clutched her chest with her left arm steadying her breathing before she hyperventilates. She thought the absolute worst. If her thoughts were to be correct? Then she was done for.

The young lady suddenly felt empty inside. All emotions drained from her face. Her mind went blank and she just sat there like a working corpse. Even when the guards came to take her to her cell, she wasn't reluctant or winy as she usually was. She complied without hesitation.

There was no Efua any longer.



Thank you all for reading. Sorry this took longer than expected...was really occupied with stuff...but here it is please vote and comment your thoughts. The book is in its last chapters so stay tuned. Sorry if this is short and crappy.

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