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         Everything went in slow motion as the judge's verdict played over and over again in Efuas head. With tear filled eyes she smiled genuinely for the first time in months. She thought about the implication of what this meant, the things she could finally do. Never had she ever valued freedom like this before. She looked towards Fauzia as she chatted away with different people receiving handshakes and hugs.

She felt as if she could rule the world at that moment.

Something was missing though or someone ...she thought as she smiled and shook well wishers. Her eyes randomly landed on a dangerous pair which were drilling holes in hers.


He was a problem and a discussion long overdue.

He looked at her with so much hate and scorn; fueling her confidence immensely.
Although she wasn't in the proper attire to give a perfect and dramatic sashay towards him, she did it anyway.

She grinned as she approached him. He scowled in confusion and only straightened himself to look more intimidating.

She didn't let that fool her because she knew that when she wanted to,  she could be someone's worst nightmare.

"You are one lucky girl." he said looking towards the opposite direction.
Efua didn't say anything or stay at arm's length she got close to him. Close enough that their nose were almost touching.
She looked him straight in the eyes before breathing on him. He shivered slightly causing her to smirk. The man was confused at this gesture. He had never expected that from her.

"Poor thing... Still has a crush on me. " she taunted close to his ear.

"Unfortunately for heart belongs to...a man...a reaaaal man. " she said before strutting away grinning.

The young man boiled in anger at that. He was going to kill her. Throwing his wig on the ground,  he began to make his way out of the court room while bumping into people who only cursed at him.

"What was that about? " Fauzia said with a confused look.

"A discussion long overdue." Efua retorted looking at Jolly storm out of the building.

At that point her eyes went wide.

She turned around the court room looking for her saviour.

She twisted and turned until her eyes landed on his small figure right beside were Jolly was standing.

She quickly  dashed towards him and embraced him in a hug.
He chuckled  before pulling away.

"Wow...what was that... I watched what you did to Jolly... That was Savage." he teased.

" saw that?! " She said blushing lightly.

"That reminded me of porn. " he laughed.

"OK..  Eww!" she replied quizzically.

They both laughed embracing the warm environment.

"Were have you been?" Efua inquired with a look of concern.

"Been the shadows." he shrugged and Efua rolled her eyes.

"Right... I'm not taking that... Let's go somewhere and talk..."

"First of all Nene is responsible for the video so she's the genius here... I'm only but a medium. "

" did save me and we

"Yes yes,  but... Hey how about I come with Nene later and we can talk fully about everything...right now I have to go and report that bitch for trying to kill Nens and..."

Efuas  eyes widened at that.

"See you...good to see are terrifyingly lovely as ever. " he chuckled nervously before dashing off.

Efua looked at him in confusion. After all these years she'd thought he'd have changed.

She shrugged before going back to Fauzia.

"He's behaving weird. "

Fauzia shrugged before gathering  her papers from the desk while Efua just closed her eyes taking in deep breaths for the thousand time before they finally made their way out of the court.
The outsides looked like a wonderland to Efua as she stared at everything like it was her very first time seeing it. Even when they were in Fauzia's car she couldn't take her eyes off the road as she watched hawkers, vehicles and people move about.  The air was fresh and she couldn't get enough of it.


      They soon arrived  at Efua's home which she couldn't help but admire. She went to the rose garden at the farthest corner of the house and picked a white one. The perfume of the roses had assaulted the garden area and all she wanted to do was stay there the whole day. She decided against it though feeling there were more important things to be done.

"Let's get you inside...come on. "
Fauzia chided softly behind Efua pulling her by her shoulder lightly. Efua nodded immediately before plucking out a petal from the rose and discarding the remains in the garden. 
As they entered the living room Efua felt chills flowing through her spine. Every detail of the past event were represented by every corner and object in the area. She couldn't bear to relive that experience again. They headed straight for her room down the hallway .

"Do you think anyone is in? " Fauzia inquired.


"Who? "

"Mother." Efua retorted looking straight at the wall behind Fauzia. The atmosphere became tense and awkward.


"She doesn't live the house without her tab. I saw it In the living room on the couch. "

"oh "

"OK... Let's go get you in the shower."

"I'm going to her room." Efua said plainly .

" I don't think that's a good idea. You need rest and seeing your mother  will trigger a lot of emotions which---"

Efua walked passed her towards the direction of her mother's room before she could finish her lecture.
Fauzia sighed before heading to the kitchen to get something for Efua to eat.  Surprisingly the pots were empty so she decided on reheating some leftovers from the fridge. She settled the pot on the hot plate before plugging it in. A painful pull shot through her hand spreading to the rest of her body causing her to jolt flinging the metal cooking spoon to the other end of the kitchen. The spoon landed with a loud CLANG!  making the kitchen noisy in the dead silent house. Her heart pounded hard as
She mentally cursed herself for being dumb enough to use a metal cooking spoon on an electric hot place.
Gladly the shock wasn't severe. She went over,  picked the metal spoon from the ground and decided on the wooden one instead.

         Efua gently climed the stairs as in horror movies, peering at the top floor carefully. She was a nervous mess. She wondered what she would do if her mother begged her forgiveness. Will she forgive?  Although it was heart breaking that she'd had to see a video before believing what was going on with her after she had told her.
She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't realize she was already standing at the door to her mother's room.

She eyed the brown hard wood Chinese door for almost  twenty minutes. Few times she reached out her hand to knock but took it back. Heart heart raced a thousand miles per hour and she felt like the oxygen in house was running out. She sighed before internally reprimanding herself for acting this way.
She knocked finally and waited for a response but she didn't get any. She knocked again but nothing was heard from the other side. She did this for about ten minutes before flinging the door open.

Her body stiffened and went cold at the image she saw before her.  Her



.A/N: Cliffcliff.... Thanks for reading please vote and comment. Have a great day.

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