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Dedicated to AdeshinaMaruf0


     Today is the first day of the trial and I'm drunk with anxiety. What if its a total disaster? What if I go to jail? All these thoughts flooded my mind and I curled myself into a ball on the ground.
God I know I don't pray much but I really need you today...please bring me justice. I prayed quietly in my heart. I felt a little as if I was just wasting my time since I haven't had a good relationship with God but something within me told me to it.

"Efua Coker it's time to go oya stand up!" One of the female officers barked jolting me out from my thoughts.
I stood up as she unlocked the bars to the cell. She cuffed me and led me out of the station and into a big van. As she gently closed the door I was gradually engulfed in darkness. I watched as the sunlight grew smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely. I rested my head on the metal wall as the car started slowly and started to move.

The journey seemed to take forever but we soon got to a stop. Although I Couldn't make out were we were exactly but with the noise I could hear, I guess the court. I squinted my aching eyes and used my arms as shields to block the blinding rays of light from the sun as the doors to the van were open.

"Oya come down!" The female officer barked.
I followed the light and almost fell face first miscalculating the distance from the van to the ground. Luckily the officer lady caught me with the back of my shirt.
There was a huge crowd consisting of regular people, security and police men and also men and women in black suits and long draped coats who I guess were lawyers since the some of them wore blond medieval short wigs.

All eyes were on me as I was being led to the auditorium. Many whispered things , others just gave me scornful stares as I went in but one face filled me with rage as i locked eyes with the owner of  those ginger brown eyes. A smirking Amaka  stood in the crowd dressed in her complete regalia totally ignoring a colleague who was trying to make  small talk with her. All these events seemed to be playing in slow motion like those cliche movies. Reporters and cameras were everywhere trying to get grapevines and statements from me and others.

Soon the runway walk was over and we were all seated in court waiting for the entry of the judge which didn't take long. Nene and Fauzia were with me ;Nene giving me morale support and Fauzia going through her last bit of information in preparation for the case.

"Court!" The Bailiff announced causing everyone to stand to their feet as the judge came in.

After all protocols were  observed and the case had been presented the attorney for the prosecutor stepped forward. A male lawyer stepped forward in his complete regalia and greeted the court. One could see the confidence and authority oozing out of him. He looked Really familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it exactly .

He called the first witness to testify and walking over to the bar was Amaka. She swore by the bible to say the truth and nothing but the truth.

"So Miss Amaka despite all that has been said could you tell this honourable court why you think the accused committed the act of murder?"  The attorney said to Amaka

Efua Is like a sister to me but she really had issues when we were growing up. My uncle once told me in confidence that she usually made sexual advances to him but he turned her down."

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