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    I watched as everything went  on in slow motion. From the time the ambulance and the cops came till the time Mum and the others came and displayed their crying skills. When step dad was pronounced dead  i felt as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.  I just sat still on the ground covered in blood clutching the bloodied knife in my right hand. The cursing and swearing came from all directions, even from my own mother.


"This evil child has finally killed himooo!!! Heeey"

"What are these officers waiting for? Take her away officers!"

I sat silent like statue as I was being cuffed and pulled up by one of the officers.

"Ms.  Efua Coker you are under arrest for the murder of Mr. Kayode Adedayo and you have the right remain silent because anything you say will be used against you in the court of law.

I followed them like a zombie and almost immediately the last person I wanted to see showed up.

"Aunty! Uncle oooo!!!!  Where is she!" Amaka said running in with tear stained eyes. As her eyes landed on me she charged towards me and slapped me on the face.

"Control yourself madam!" One of the officers said to her.

"What of the other victim?! Is he ok?" She said immediately.

"He's fine. Just a bullet to the leg thats all" he retorted.

"I will make sure you  rot in jail. You see! Nemesis has caught up with you!" She said as the officers started leading me out.

"Why aren't you dragging her like the murderer she is?! Drag her out and she pushed me from behind causing me to fall face on the ground.

"You murderous bitch! Killer!" She began yelling and the officers picked me up quickly and left with me.

"Why aren't you saying anything or doing something? You wan go jail ne?" One of the officers said and I looked at him blankly and entered the car without them helping me in.

The Last Days At Forcados high School: A Glimpse Of The FutureWhere stories live. Discover now