O. M. G!!!!!!!!

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Laurence still sat in the bed, unconscious. Everyone was sitting there, doing their own thing. Cadenza then burst through the door and said, "Laurence!" She dropped to the ground and cried. Aphmau came and put her arms around poor Cadenza, and said, "Shh... it's okay. He'll be fine, his recovery will just take a little while." "I know, *sniff* but I just feel so bad... he must be in so much pain," Cadenza replied.

Meanwhile, where ZANE~CHAN is preparing!!!!!!! <3

Zane felt a heavier weight lean onto him, and he turned his head to see Kawaii~Chan fast asleep, her head leaning against Zane's shoulder and arm. Wow. She's so cute when she's asleep... Zane thought to himself. He smiled at her, scooting a little bit closer.
Kissing her cheek, he whispered, "Hehe, just wait until I have the courage to ask you about it, then you'll be mine :)."

YASSSS OMG MY SHIPPPPPPPPPPPPPP OMG GUCDGEOGWKGDLBDLGIFDLGFFBPCGLDKGSKGSKDKGDGL *ahem* sorry bout that :) Hope y'all enjoyed! Thank you chrisandthecat for supporting this story! Also, sorry that this chapter was so short XD Anyways, BAIII!!!!!

- Piggy

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