Help and Love

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Zianna talked to Katelyn about the whole thing with the "Catalina" girl. Katelyn was warmed to know a little on how Catalina was doing. Katelyn was urging to see Catalina, now hearing how lonely the girl was.

"We need to find a way to get to that place, and get her out of there!" Katelyn stated to Zianna. "That's a good idea, but there's so many things that we have to do to make sure nothing goes wrong." Zianna replied. "You're right, let's go find a way to get back to her and ask her what we must do to get her out." "Got it."

The two found out that you could go to the place if you slept. It was a certain dream, and slightly rare. They were confused about why they hadn't been there ever before, but they didn't worrying too much about that.

That night, Katelyn and Zianna went to sleep in the same room, in different beds. It didn't work for a couple of days, but one night, Katelyn was allowed into there.

She woke up in a familiar place. She turned around to see Catalina sitting, with her head down. "Catalina?" Katelyn asked. The girl looked up, and she staring at Katelyn for a while. "It's me, Katelyn." She said to Catalina. Suddenly, Catalina jumped up and hugged Katelyn, crying a little. "I came to help you. Is there any way possible to get you out of here?" Katelyn asked her. "Uhh... you'd have to get someone else to take the job. It could be anyone..." Catalina replied, seeming to be worried. "Hmm...." Katelyn thought.

=few months later=

Kawaii~Chan checked herself in the mirror, making sure she looked decent. She and Zane were going on a date for their 2 year anniversary. She was so excited, yet so nervous.

She picked a beautiful dress along with a necklace, a few bracelets, and a flower for her hair

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She picked a beautiful dress along with a necklace, a few bracelets, and a flower for her hair. She felt like she didn't look good enough, but she dealt with it.

Zane was in one of the nicest tuxedos in the city. He sat at the park, waiting for KC to arrive. They were going to the same restaurant that they had their first date in, then he was going to the airport and they were going to fly to Paris, where Zane was determined to take her to the Eiffel Tower and, well, let's not spoil <3. Minutes later, KC walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey babe, ready to go? Got everything packed?" Zane asked her, blushing from how beautiful she was.

After a few hours, the couple arrived at the airport, walking excitedly to their gate. "Love you!" Kawaii~Chan said, and they kissed.


Hey guys!  hope you are enjoying this story, thanks for all the support! Ooooo Zane chan is going to Paris!!! I wish I could go *sniff sniff* ANYWAYS! Cya next time!! Bye!!

- Piggy

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