The Kiss

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Garroth was sitting on the couch after this whole event, trying to recall what really happened. He was watching the news. "Breaking News! Huge search party starts for a missing Meifwa! Her kidnapper apparently is believed to be the murderer of the Meifwa's friend! The police are overwhelmed and confused by the this case!" Garroth heard the news man say. "Great. More reminders of Laurence's sadness... speaking of which..." Garroth walked into Laurence's room to check on him.

"Hey, Laurence, the My Street Fair is open all this week. Wanna go tomorrow or something?" Garroth asked Laurence. "Sure, I mean, I need some kind of distraction..." Laurence replied.
He got up, facing Garroth with his still-red-and-tear-soaked face. Garroth walked forward to grab something behind Laurence, and that was when Garroth tripped.


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"UHM... uh.... I...." Laurence stuttered. "Hehe... that actually felt kinda good..." Garroth said. Laurence blushed VERY red. "I... actually... that wasn't really that bad... I-" Laurence tried to say but was interrupted by:

Garroth went in for another kiss, and Laurence accepted it

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Garroth went in for another kiss, and Laurence accepted it. "G-Garroth... I..." Laurence said, blushing. They looked at each other for a very long time.


- Piggy

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