Zianna Visits

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It was almost Christmas, and Zianna wanted to visit her boys before it so that she and them could shop for presents.

Garroth was sitting on his bed when his phone rang. It was Zianna.
G: *answers phone* Mommy?
Z: Hello, my little GarGar! How are you right now?
G: I'm great, thanks for asking! And you?
Z: Oh, don't worry about me, silly! I wanted you to know that I'm visiting TODAY! Make sure the house is ready, I'm bringing Vylad!
G: WHA- I mean, yay! Can't wait to see you! Uh, well I guess I should go and get ready...
Z: You go ahead and do that! Your brother and I will be here in 2 hours! Bye! Love you!
G: Love you too!
*hangs up*

"Great, mommy's coming over, in 2 hours! I gotta get ready..." Garroth started cleaning up the whole house and setting the guest room up. Laurence walked in and asked: "Garroth, what's the big rush? Is your mom coming over or something?" "Actually, she is! With Vylad! In 2 hours!!!" Garroth replied. Laurence ran to the bathroom and got dressed, combed his hair, etc.

~2 hours later~

*ding dong!* Garroth opened the door to see Vylad and Zianna standing there. "GarGar!" Zianna said as she hugged him. "Hey bro! How's life?" Vylad asked. "Pretty good, why don't you two come and sit on the couch?" Garroth said.

Once they sat on the couch, Laurence walked in with hot cocoa, as it had begun snowing a few days ago. "Drinks, anyone?" He asked them. "Oo! I'd love one! Such a gentleman!" Zianna said and picked up one of the mugs off of the tray Laurence was holding.

After a while of catching up, they heard footsteps go down the stairs. Before anyone could say anything, Zianna jumped up and hugged Zane. "Zuzu!" She yelled, squeezing him even tighter.

"Alrighty, boys, who wants to go shopping????" Zianna asked. "WE DO!!" Vylad, Garroth, and Laurence called all at the same time. Zianna looked over at Zane and said: "Zuzu, you're coming too!" She said. Zane groaned, and put his coat on.

Hey guys! Thank you SO MUCH for over 400 reads!!! It means sooooooo much!!!

- Piggy

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