She Lives, Thanks to Fate

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Rescuers were running back and forth, carrying person after person on stretchers. A few rescuers brought Katelyn and Aphmau farther away from the building just for safety.

Aphmau suddenly stared at the building and started running towards it. "APHMAU!! What are you doing??? COME BACK, WHA-" Katelyn ran after her but stopped when she saw Aphmau helping a slightly injured man up off the ground. She realized that it was Garroth.

"Garroth! Thank god you're alive!" Katelyn yelled and ran to his side. "Zane... Vylad... mommy..." he held his hand over his face.

After about 45 minutes, Laurence came running along with Dante and Travis. Garroth got up and ran towards Laurence, hugging him tight.

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Travis ran and instantly hugged Katelyn

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Travis ran and instantly hugged Katelyn. Dante went and talked with Aphmau about what had happened. "Zianna, Zane, and Vylad are still in there! We need to get the-" Aphmau was cut off by someone hugging her from behind. She turned around, and it was Zane.

"ZANE! Wh- where- Zianna? Vyl-" Aphmau tried to get some words out. The whole group hugged each other, and they asked Zane what happened. Katelyn noticed that Zane was crying.

"They're in there.... they.... agh..." Zane mumbled. The rescuers grabbed him and brought him to an ambulance and drove him to the hospital. The same happened with Aphmau, Katelyn, and Garroth.

Laurence jumped in his car and started following the ambulance.


Zianna woke up and saw a beautiful little woman sitting in front of her. "Who are you, what is this place..." she asked the girl.

The girl had short brown hair, and brown eyes. She wore a white shirt that was way too big for her, so it acted as a dress. She had little pink socks, and pink fingerless gloves. She floated slightly off the ground, and she looked extremely lonely.

"Did your sons tell you about the injury of Katelyn?" The girl asked Zianna. "Y-yes, they did... why? Wait, what is your name?" "My name is Catalina. Come sit, let me tell you a little story." She said.

C: As I said, I am Catalina. Some people like to call me fate. At the time Katelyn was injured, I was the daughter of fate. Katelyn had come to this place because my father hadn't decided whether she would live or not. She wakes up only because he chose that she could live. But, a little while after Katelyn... well...
Z: Huh?
C: My father passed away. I am now fate, and I decide things. But, it isn't the best thing to be. I am extremely, very much lonely. There are other fates, and they are more popular to go to when in this situation.
Z: I'm sorry, uhm, is there anything I can do to make it better?
C: no, I'm afraid not. It's okay, though... also, you cannot tell anyone of me! People will use that to their advantage, and I will have to kill a lot of people...
Z: Okay, I won't. So you're deciding my fate?
C: Hehe, I've already decided. I've seen how sweet you are, even to Zane. You may live. Goodbye!

Zianna suddenly disappeared and woke up in a destroyed building. She sat up, and saw Vylad walking around searching for help, crying a lot. She got up and hugged Vylad, and he hugged her back. "Let's go home." She said to him.

They walked around, helping other people out as they got out themselves. Rescuers rushed to their side and brought them to the hospital. Zianna just wanted to see Zane and Garroth, for she was afraid if they were hurt.


- Piggy

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