Finding Her

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3 Hours after Garroth had gotten home, his phone rang. He picked it up, and heard a voice say: Hello, Garroth. This is the police. We've found your friend, Kawaii~Chan. I advise you to bring your friends and get to this address now: **** ***** *****
"Got it..." Garroth replied to the policeman on the phone.

He woke Laurence up and called all his friends. They all met at the place, where they noticed that there was an entrance to a cave. Garroth was confused, why would Lucinda be in a cave?

"Your Meifwa friend is scared beyond belief and needs one of you to convince her to come out." The police officer said.  Zane blushed, but didn't say anything. Everyone was looking at each other, wondering who would do it. "I feel that a male helping her would be more effective. Why don't one of you boys go?" He said.

"Uh, I guess I'll do it..." Zane said. "WHAT!?!" Everyone yelled. "What? Am I not allowed to be nice without people going crazy about it?" Zane asked. "Yea guys, give him some space. If you had lived with him your whole life, then you know he's not that bad!" Vylad said.

Zane crawled into the cave, and he heard someone crying. He saw a pink blob curled up in the corner of the cave. "Hey, Kawaii~Chan... it's me, Zane..."
KC: Zane~Kun?
Z: Yep, what happened? Are you okay?
KC: Lucinda~Chan... she... *bursts out in tears*
Z: Kawaii~Chan it's okay calm down!
KC: She killed them!
Z: it's o.. them? GAH whatever... can you please come out? Lucinda isn't here... we're all here to help you...
KC: Zane~Kun, Kawaii~Chan saw something she didn't want to see...
Z: I know, but you need to come out! The police will only be asking you questions.
KC: Can Zane~Kun stay with Kawaii~Chan so she doesn't feel alone?
Z: Of course.
KC: Okay...

KC crawled slowly out of the cave, and Zane made sure no one crowded her too much. The officers asked her many questions, and some took notes. This is what the notes said once hey were done:
Murder Case: Suspect
• kidnapped a Meifwa
• murdered Cadenza Z'vahl
• The Meifwa says that she has killed others, too
• tortured the Meifwa, but let her live. Scarred her for life


Hey guys! OMG WHO ELSE DID SHE KILL!?!?! We'll have to see! Thanks sooooooo much for the support!!! Over 200 reads!!!!!! Thanks, bye bye!!!!

- Piggy

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