Fate's Miracle

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Trav: Katelyn please!!!! Stay with me, dangit! Lucinda fought her way up, and said: "Oops, my bad! *evil giggles*"

~time skip they're in the hospital AGAIN!!!!!!~

Travis wouldn't leave Katelyn's side for anything. He just kept crying over her shoulder, begging her to be okay. Aphmau and KC were very hurt, too. Aphmau couldn't stop crying. KC was VVVEEERRRYYY angry at Lucinda. Her tail was always puffy, her ears were flopped back, and she kept hissing and growling. They had no idea if Katelyn would make it or not.

Katelyn's POV

I was in this completely white place. I couldn't see anything but white fog, and I was a little scared. I then saw this colorful angel-like woman come floating down towards me. "Hello," She said. "You are in the world of the unsure. If you have been injured, and fate is unsure of you'll live or not, while you're unconscious, you stay here." "Well, then what's my fate?" I asked her. "Do you know what the rest of my fate is if I live?" "Well, let me look," She pulled out a GIANT piece of paper and looked at it very closely. "Hmmmmmm I can't see it very well, but it looks like you're going to get married... which means that you'll live! Fate has decided!" She started bouncing with joy. "I, I AM GOING TO LIVE?!?! How long from now!?!?" I asked frantically. "In, about, 5 seconds. Bye!!!!" She said as I felt myself disappear. I opened my eyes the slightest bit and what I saw instantly made me cry a little. I saw Travis, laying in the bed with me, crying. He was crying a lot, and I realized how much he actually loved me. I opened my eyes, and I turned my head slowly towards his head. "Hey, dorkface." "KATELYN!" Travis said as he hugged me. The doctor ran in and declared that this was a miracle. The doctors and nurses quickly brought me in for a scan of my body. They found no bruises, no scratches, no injuries whatsoever. "This really is a miracle..." The doctor said in shock.


- Piggy

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