One Down, One To Go

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"She is completely healed! Did she do anything while she was unconscious?" The doctor asked Travis and Aphmau. "I didn't see her do anything! She, of course, was just lying there." Aphmau said. "Yea! She did nothing while in that room!" Travis agreed. Katelyn was confused, but was a little happy. That girl that I met... did she do this... for me? Wow, she must be more sweet than I thought. Katelyn thought to herself. "Well, why don't you guys take her home to give her some comfort. We'll make an appointment sooner or later to find out what happened." The doctor said. The group said their goodbyes, and they walked to the car. Once they got back to their place, all of their friends were crowding Katelyn and KC's house.

Zane ran up to Aphmau, completely panicked. "ZANE? What's wrong!?!?" Aphmau asked. "Lucinda walked into the house, when it was locked, and she never came out! No one can get in!!!!" Zane said. "WE FOUND SOMETHING! Dante and Laurence screamed together. Aphmau, Zane, Travis, and Katelyn ran to Laurence and Dante. Dante had a long strand of pink hair in his hand. "It looks like Kawaii~Chan's hair!! Lucinda did something to her!" Dante said. Before anyone could say anything else, Katelyn smashed open one of the windows and crawled in quickly. What she saw scarred her for the rest of her life.

Katelyn' okay! But what happened to KC? Where did the nice girl that helped Katelyn go? What did Katelyn see? Read the next part to find out (once it's out)!

- Piggy

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