A Little Date

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After the dance, everyone went home to sleep because they had all stayed at the party a little too long. Kawaii~Chan had just pulled into her driveway, and she stepped out and sat there, staring. Contemplating, she stared blankly in thought. "Zane really does love me... it's not a prank or anything... Zane really loves me..." KC thought to herself. She walked into the house after a while.

Laurence and Garroth went to the park the morning after the dance. They talked about love, relationships, the dance, and their feelings for each other.

Zane was sitting on his couch when suddenly his phone vibrated and its ringer went off. He picked it up and saw that it was a text from KC. "Hey, Zane~Senpai! Kawaii~Chan would like to know if Zane might want to go grab some Coffee and go walk around the town square?" Zane replied with: "Hey! I think that's a Great idea, I'll meet you at Dutch Bros at 2:30. Good?" "Good!" Zane put his phone back into his pocket and began to get ready to leave because it was already 2:00.

2:30. Zane was walking along the way to the Dutch Bros that KC told him to go to. This new guy named Damian had been flirting with Kawaii~Chan, and Zane didn't like it at all. Zane sometimes wanted to punch Damian, but why be a Katelyn when you can be a Zane?

Zane walked to the outdoor seating and saw Kawaii~Chan in the line, ordering. "Hey, babe. Whatchu getting me?" Zane asked. (AHHHHHHCIGSITSIGFIGC HE CALLED HER BABE SNJABRJEKQJRNWKWK) "It's a surprise!" "Alright, ILL be sitting over at that table." "Okay!"

Zane sat down and stared at Kawaii~Chan and how beautiful she looked. While admiring her beauty, he felt someone pull his hair and turn his head towards them. "Hello, Zane~Kun. Has Michi~Chan missed anything?"


- Piggy

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