Hehehehehehehehehe Ships >:)

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Cadenza heard a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" She said, putting Caleb in his high chair. She opened the door to see Dante, Travis, and Lucinda. "Oh, hey guys! Why don't you come in?" She said, being friendly. They walked in, and they asked her to sit down. "Uh, are you guys okay? Is there something wrong?" She asked. "Um, Cadenza... I don't know how to say this... but Laurence is in the hospital in critical condition right now. You might want to come see him... I'm sorry." Travis and Dante said together. "He... he's in the hospital??? Will he live???" Cadenza asked frantically. "Don't worry! He will recover!" Lucinda said. "Wha... I... he... what even happened??" Cadenza asked, confused. "We'll tell you when we get there... just come on." Dante said. They headed out to the hospital, and Cadenza had Kawaii~Chan and Zane watch Caleb.

"YAY! Caleb~Kun is so adorable! Oh, Laurence~Kun and Cadenza~Chan are so lucky to have such a cute baby brother!" Kawaii~Chan couldn't stop fangirling over Caleb. She and Zane went to watch My Little Horsey. After a bit, Kawaii~Chan randomly burst into tears. "Gah! What is your problem, Kawaii~Chan??" Zane asked. "Kawaii~Chan still can't get over that Reese~Senpai left her for another girl who isn't even that pretty!! Is Kawaii~Chan really that bad?" Kawaii~Chan yelled out fast. Zane, being in a comforting mood, put his arm around the crying Meifwa and said, "Don't worry, Kawaii~Chan. If Reese doesn't think you're a great girlfriend, then he's obviously stupid!" ...

Hey guys!!!! Omg the ships r reel. ZANE~CHAN!!!! Also, the reason that they don't seem to care about Laurence's injuries, it's because they are trying to distract themselves from thinking about it. ANYWAYS BYEEEE thank you everyone for the support!!!

- Piggy

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