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As soon as Zane put his lips on Kawaii~Chan's lips, she instantly felt relaxed. Zane pulled away, and Kawaii~Chan said: "Z-Zane~Kun... uh..." "I don't care what you think of me. I've always liked you, KC..." Zane said. "I-I... Wow... Kawaii~Chan didn't know that Zane~Kun liked her back... and..." She leaned in and kissed him again. He ran his fingers through her hair, and she smiled.

~time skip to next morning~

Laurence walked out of the hospital, using crutches to help him walk. It felt amazing to be out of the hospital, and he finally got a breath of fresh air. Cadenza and Garroth helped him walk to the car, and he got in and sat down. "I don't think Zane and Kawaii~Chan will mind if I let them watch Caleb for just one more day... I just want to spend time with you, Laurence. Cadenza called the two babysitters and they accepted to watching Caleb for one more day.

Back where Zane~Chan is alive (also 5 hours later)

Zane and Kawaii~Chan were playing Mario Kart, and Kawaii~Chan was winning by a lot. The game ended, and Zane said, "Jeez! I can't believe you beat me! When did you learn to play that well?" "Well, Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn~Sama play this game a lot!" Kawaii~Chan replied. Zane leaned in and kissed her. "I love an aggressive girl." He smiled.

Hey guys! ITS DA WEEKEND LOL YAS! Hope y'all have a great weekend! Bye!

- Piggy

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