The Dance

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HEY GUYS before you read this please keep playing the song above over and over til' you finish the story, K? I know it's in Spanish and I'm sorry....... it's a good dancing song anyways!!!!
It was the day before Thanksgiving, and no one had any plans for the holiday. Aphmau was looking for something to do for the holiday, and she found something. There was a big party at the MS Mall, and there would be dancing, food, etc. "Perfect! I'll tell everyone..." Aphmau said it herself.

Zane, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Travis, Laurence, Garroth, Dante, and Vylad got texts from Aphmau talking about the dance. Everyone was able to make it to the party, and they were all looking forward to it.

~Time skip to next day an hour before the party started~

(Laurence's POV)

I couldn't find anything to wear. (Welcome to being a teenage girl, Laurence.) I had to look good for Garroth, I had to impress him. Ugh, why was I feeling like this???

~time skip to dance~

Zane and Garroth walked into the party and instantly knew that they were going to have fun. After a while of chatting, taking pictures, and more talking, all the girls and Laurence went into a back room. The other boys were confused, and a little suspicious.

The entire room went pitch black and all noises went silent. Music started playing and slowly got louder. The lights went on and Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Aphmau, and Laurence were standing there in red dancing outfits (OMG LAURENCE LADY MUCH???? xD). They all started dancing in a routine, and the boys found it funny in a way.

"I dare you to dance with someone up there," Garroth said to Zane. "Fine... but only if you do after or while I do." "Deal."

The boys walked up to the front, and as soon as the beat dropped, Garroth was expecting Zane to dance with Aphmau. But instead, Zane ran up and danced with Kawaii~Chan.

Garroth smiled and laughed a little, and then he ran and danced with Laurence. The other girls were enjoying the bravery the two Ro'Maeves showed. Katelyn turned her head to look at Zane and KC, and she saw Travis looking at her in a disappointed manner. He looked down, frowning.

Katelyn called his name and gestured him to come Dance with her. His face lit up and he ran to her right away.
Everyone was dancing and having fun, and nothing could bring them down at those few minutes that the song lasted.


Everyone was leaving the building and Zane walked up to Kawaii~Chan and said: "Hey, KC. I guess maybe we can make some more plans and do some things *smirks*..."
"Okay! I guess Kawaii~Chan will see Zane~Senpai later then! Bye!" KC replied as she kissed Zane on the cheek and left.

Zane smiled and watched her walk away to her car. "I love her so much..." He whispered to himself.


- Piggy

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