He Confessed

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Garroth hadn't seen Zane since KC had gone missing. I wonder where he is... I hope he's okay. I don't get it, why would he care for Kawaii~Chan? GASP MAYBE HE LIKES HER!?!?!?! I ship it. Garroth thought. He decided to go out and find Zane. "He's only been in the house twice since the incident, and its been a week." Garroth talked to himself. While walking to the door, he glanced to his right and saw Laurence, asleep on his bed. He's such a cutie. Heh... Garroth started texting Zane:
G: Hey, uh, haven't seen you recently. Are you okay? Is something going on?
Z: What do you want? If you want to talk about this whole thing, where should we meet.
G: Wow you're being so open I like it 😀
Z: Shut up!
G: How about we meet at the docks and sit on the bench and talk.
Z: UGH I don't want to, but fine. Cya there in 10 minutes.
G: Deal.

Garroth jumped in his car and drove to the docks. He looked around, and saw Zane sitting there, waiting. Garroth waved to Zane, and Zane just glanced over at his big brother.

The bench creaked a bit as Garroth sat on it, and they began talking.
G: So what's going on? Does this have something to do with KC?
Z: Do you really want me to tell you the truth? And if so, how much of it.
G: I want all of it.
Z: Okay, here goes... promise you won't get mad or anything!
G: I promise with all my heart and more.
Z: Alright... well here it is:
I have a huge crush on KC. There's a saying that says 'opposites attract', and apparently it worked its magic on me. Anyways, while we were babysitting Caleb for Cadenza, KC had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I eventually fell asleep, too. When I woke up, I realized that I had been cuddled up in a blanket, and I also realized that KC did that for me. She offered to watch whatever on the TV, and after a little bit of watching, I... Well...
Z: I kissed her. And she kissed me back.
G: GASPPP this is so awesome! It's nice that you have a crush on someone and they like you back! Heh... it feels good, doesn't it...
Z: Wait, how would you know how it feels?
Z: Stop calling me that!!!
G: Oh, sorry 😐
Z: Wow. Seems like you have something to confess, don't you?
G (blushes red and says nervously): NO I-I DONT! W-why do you a-ask?
Z: NEVERMIND! Just go back, Laurence is probably lonely...
Z: Bye.
Garroth left and was fanboying the entire way home. ZANE DOES LIKE HER!!! AND SHE LIKES HIM BACK OMGGG!!!

Hey guys! Piggy here! Sorry if this is just too much stoof goin' on!!!!!! I'm trying my best to keep y'all entertained... sniff sniff...

- Piggy

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