What Is Even Happening,

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Kawaii~Chan jumped onto the bed as she and Zane walked into their hotel room. It was very nice, and there was a big king sized bed. "This is nicer than my old family house! And that house was considered one of the most beautiful house in the city!" Zane said. "Hehe! Well, anyways, Kawaii~Chan is very hungry. And she wants to explore this city! Why don't she and Zane~Senpai go?" KC asked. Zane agreed, and they went out, very excited to see how amazing Paris was.

The tour guide opened the bus doors and everyone proceeded to enter the bus, including Zane~Chan. The couple sat in the bus, holding hands and giggling at each other in excitement.


"Hey, do you know where Laurence is?" Garroth asked Dante and Travis. "Uh... we thought he was chilling at your place... you haven't seen him?" Travis asked. "Nope..." "Well, if you see him anywhere, tell him I was looking for him." "Okay."

Garroth decided to go some more Christmas shopping. He went to another mall, since, you know... Anyways, while in there he ran into Sylvana. "Oh, hi Aphmau's mom! How are you doing?" "Hello, Garroth! Oh I'm just fine, and you?" "I'm great! I-" Garroth was interrupted by Dante running up behind him. "Garroth, we need to go now. Hi Sylvana, don't worry about anything, come on, Garroth." Dante said sternly.

They walked out of the mall and Dante began to yell. "Travis and I heard a scream that was sort of high pitched, like Laurence's voice! We looked around, AND WE FOUND BLOOD!" "LETS GO. NOW."

They ran over to where the two heard the scream. "Wait, where's..." "AHHHH!!!" They heard Travis scream, and jumped back on complete shock. SNIP. BANG. STAB. They heard the sound effects of something weird. Running over to Travis, they just saw a trail of blood that led to nowhere. "Oh my god, this is Lucinda."

Hey guys! I'm going on a story-spree. I AM GOING TO TRY TO UPDATE ALL OF MY MAIN STORIES! Also, MERRY ALMOST CHRISTMAS! A Christmas special will be up on the 24th, but I won't have anything up on Christmas Day, because that's a family day for me! Anyways, THANKS SO MUCH! 700+ FREAKING READS, HOLY PIG! Bye

- Piggy

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